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    Artist description
    We realized after listening to Fugazi/The Jesus Lizard and Vitreus Humor how much better that style of music is than the typical popular music of today. Unnanounced was formed. Realizing that good bands don't make it big, and crap does, people are just scared to listen to good shit. They need to hear their nickelback or Staind song so they can live their life without being depressed . I'm sorry that Unannounced and the other bands I've listed aren't about dying because you are sad. It's pure music, not commercialized. And so the legend that is to be Unannounced awaits to be discovered by those people of the world seeking music that is not made for the record companies, or for a certain kind of people, but for the band themselves, and any people who happen to enjoy it.
    Music Style
    rock, punk, alternative
    Musical Influences
    The Jesus Lizard, Vitreous Humor, At the Drive-In, Fugazi, Sparta
    Similar Artists
    The Jesus Lizard, Vitreous Humor, Fugazi, Sparta
    Artist History
    This band started as a side project of members of SMOLDER. Lorenzo Vieyra and Thomas Brown began jamming/writing songs and then went on to record demos of the songs. Zo went on to write more songs and record them with Jed Brown of Salty Records. Currently zo is working on writing and recording more material for the EP and has recruited bro Dominique to play bass and Mike to play drums for future live shows to come.
    Group Members
    Lorenzo Vieyra- guitar/vocals, bass tracking, drum tracking Dominique Vieyra- bass Mike- Drums
    Hutchinson, Kansas - USA

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