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    Artist description
    We are led by the Spirit of God to go out and be fishers of men. Sarah is on keys, and has been playing for nearly 20 years. Josh is on drums and has been playing for almost a decade +/- 3 or 4 years. Stephen is on lead and acoustic and has 30 years in the music industry. Karma is our sound girl, and she is by far smarter than any of us. Then there is Rick. He has been around music all of his life, but refused to pick up a bass until the band formed in Feb. 2002. I guess we will keep him.
    Music Style
    Contemporary Christian
    Musical Influences
    The Beatles, Michael W. Smith, The Hinsons, Steven Curtis Chapman, Sandi Patti, Eugene Cowart, Al Denson, Ray Boltz, Carman, Ouida Keck, Stevie Ray Vaughn, King David of Babylon
    Similar Artists
    We have a pretty much unique sound incomparable to anyone.
    Artist History
    Since February 2002, LED has played at various venues throughout the SW Arkansas region. The largest crowd was at the 2001 9/11 memorial at Centerpoint Football Stadium in Rosboro, AR in front of 2,500. The smallest crowd was Rick's home church cemetary decoration; a grand total of 8, and 5 were immediate relatives. We feel as though we are on the verge of something big. We had the opportunity to sign with a development/ production company that wanted to shop our demo, but the whole "feel" of the thing was wrong. We have been told that our demo was received with positive feedback from such labels as: Word, Sparrow, MCA, SONY, and Dreamworks among others. We feel that the doors will burst open in God's speed. Pray for us, and we pray that God's will will be done.
    Group Members
    Stephen Turner --- Lead-Acoustic Guitar/Vocals Karma Turner --- Sound Engineer/Vocals Sarah Cowart --- Keyboards/Flute/Lead Vocals Rick Cowart --- Bass Guitar/Vocals Josh Wright --- Drums
    Fender Toronado, Ibanez 5 string, Roland RD-100, Roland XP-30, Gibson Grabber 4 string, Mapex Mercury, Ovation,
    Glenwood, Arkansas - USA

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