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    Artist description
    With the pulse of rock and roll always changing, along comes a band that excites to the core and wears its heart on 'the outside'. Based in NYC,The Outside is driving drums, groove bass, passionate guitar and vocals that go from a snarl to a seductive whisper. Intense in its sound, intense in its energy, The Outside is a musical force to be reckoned with. With a combined background encompassing Los Angeles punk, New York avant garde and Southern hospitality, this band tempers its onstage assault with the fine-tuning of experience and the freshness of collaborative songwriting. The debut EP, 'Blue Collar Overtime,' successfully captures The Outside's talent to compel with melody and command attention with strategically placed dynamic swells and refrains. The five-song EP can be equalled in intensity only by the always powerful live show. With a growing NYC following, and a new recording in the works, The Outside is set to explode on stages and stereos worldwide.
    Music Style
    Alternative Rock
    Musical Influences
    too numerous to list
    Similar Artists
    Radiohead, Deftones, Ani Difranco, At the Drive-In, Trail of Dead
    Artist History
    Not every new band has an established base of loyal, sometimes rabid fans. Not every new band has major label contacts and recording artists queing up for the first copies of their soon-to-be-released debut EP. Not every new band has a long, long line of people waiting on a cold, cold Monday night. Hey, this is not every new band. This the Outside. Born of Lexington's Delicious Trip Attendants, New York's Passing Strange and L.A.'s My Ass. Fusing Punk, Modern Rock, Funk and a little Jazz with a tasty twist that puts the song first while keeping it originally 'Outside.' Hitting its stride with players who are in the sweet spot of their musical careers. This is the Outside. Young and hungry enough to keep the music vital, but with an edge that has been sharpened by a couple of grueling years on stage and in the studio. Open on the college town of Lexington, KY. Two future members of the Outside - vocalist Tree and bassist Will Luttrell - are members of a small state’s biggest band, the Delicious Trip Attendants. Cool, but not cool enough. Despite celebrity status in Lexington and the same management as platinum artists 'Days of the New,' the national stage seems out of reach. On to NYC. The Delicious Trip Attendants - despite surprising initial success in their new hometown - fall apart under the stress of the move. Tree and Luttrell split on good terms to seek their separate fortunes. Without any contacts or friends in the city, bassist Lutrell knows he has to do things the hard way. With the last of his savings he scrapes together enough gear to produce a respectable demo. Then, he begins the long and sometimes painful process of auditioning scores of guitarists and drummers - determined to find the best talent available. Meanwhile, back in L.A., Ben Kennedy is plotting his escape to New York. Fresh from the same scene that had spawned bands like Incubus and Alien Ant Farm, he is determined to make his mark on the East Coast. After a brief stint as a sideman in the NYC punk band Neck, Kennedy spies an ad looking for a creative guitarist. Feeling restricted by punk, Kennedy goes for it. Poised to complete the picture, drummer Damien Girardi is getting over the breakup of his longtime band, Passing Strange. With its wild mix of Avant Garde styles, Passing Strange had left Girardi with plenty of chops, but little popular success. After auditioning Kennedy and Girardi, Lutrell knew that this band was almost complete. Almost, but not quite. When the trio began jamming, the initial material was without a center, wildly scattered as the musicians struggled to find an identity. But after several fits and starts - which included the auditions of over 60 vocalists – magic. The trio turned their attention to Tree, Luttrell's ex-bandmate and an emerging talent in various NYC projects. Tree's aggressive singing style, flashing from jazzy crooning to punk screaming, was the missing ingredient the band needed to focus its sound. No other singer could create over the lush, thick sounds and aggressive arrangements that were becoming the band's hallmark. After a flurry of songwriting, rehearsing and gigs, we cut to the present, where we find the Outside wrapping its first EP, 'Blue Collar Overtime.' Convinced they have stumbled on to something special, they are eagerly awaiting the world’s reaction.
    Group Members
    Tree - voice | Damien - drums | Ben - guitar | Will - bass
    voice, drums, guitar, bass
    Blue Collar Overtime
    Press Reviews
    coming soon. . . .
    New York, New York - USA

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