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Foncho Castellar Vallenato

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    Artist description
    Foncho Castellar, famous international artist, plays diatonic accordion along with bass, piano, guitar and percussion. Composer, lyricist and vocalist--and an entirely self-taught musician--he has been recording and playing for almost thirty years. He enjoys a loyal following in the area of vallenato and cumbia music, the folk music of Colombia. The renowned accordionist was born in Barranquilla, Colombia. He picked up an accordion which his father had purchased for himself, but never had time to play, and began studying the instrument at age fifteen. He played odd jobs and benefits for soldiers, police and community in Colombia until he emigrated to the United States in 1974. There he organized the musical group "Los Alegres de Colombia." They played on the same bill across the nation as far as Texas with such famous names as Tito Puente, Jose Feliciano, Oro Solido, Rueben Blades, Hector Lavoa, Junior Gonzales, Johnny Ventura, etc. Foncho Castellar and Los Alegres de Colombia have promoted the cumbia and vallenato rhythm throughout the United States and is the only musical group dedicated to the interpretation of the most famous music of his native country. His unique, self-help method books for learning diatonic accordion continue to sell around the world. He contributes to the cultural advancement of his community by teaching children and aspiring performers for free. He is the winner of several prizes for cultural festivals. Recently, he has played at the Museum of Natural History in New York, Queens Theater in the Park, Queens Museum of Art, Aaron Davis Hall at Columbia University, Hostos College, Manhattan Community College, Hartford College and other cultural venues. He has been an integral part of fundraising efforts for disaster relief in Puerto Rico, Honduras, Colombia, Ecuador, and El Salvador. He is a favorite performer for the Colombian Lions Club, and for the U.N. ambassadors and dignitaries of his native land, including the President of Colombia. He is presently involved in producing a third CD album and maintaining his new website at -Compiled by Doc Miller 05-22-03
    Music Style
    Cumbia & Vallenato
    Musical Influences
    Traditional Colombian Music
    Similar Artists
    Carlos Vives, Diomedez Diaz, Lizandro Mesa, Corraleros Del Majagual
    Artist History
    Composing, recording and playing for almost thirty years. Also renowned as a teacher and performer. Foncho Castellar--(Groupo Los Alegres De Colombia) Grupo Vallenato, cumbiambero--"Enemigos numero uno de la tristeza." Foncho--acordeonero de fama internacional--nacio en la ciudad de Barranquilla, Colombia. Inicio su carrea artistica en la ciudad de New York (EE,UU). En el ano de 1974 cuando organizo el grupo musical vallenato, umbiambero "FONCHO CASTELLAR Y LOS ALEGRES DE COLOMBIA". Recorriendo casi todos los estados de la union americana. Promoviendo la musica popular colombiana. La cumbia y el vallenato. Ya que son los ritmos que nos representan internacionalmente. Dejando un recuerdo de alegria en cada una de sus presentaciones. Foncho Castellar fue ganador de dos festivales internacionales en la ciudad de Houston, Texas. Fue el primero en grabar e interpretar nuestra musica en ingles, y es el unico artista colombiano que interpreta el Hinno Naciocnal de Colombia y el de los Estados Unidos antes de cada una de sus presentacionnes. Tambien ha colaborado con todas las asociaciones colombianas, ecuatoriana, salvadorenas, venezolanas, cubanas, hodurenas, etc. Tambien ha puesto en alto nuestra musica colombiana a travez de la radio y television. Tambien ha sido invitado parara tocar en fiestas privadas para varios dignatarios colombianos invitado por el consul colombiano y de otros paises, como tambien fiestas privadas por intemedio de la radio fiestas para Tito Puente, Jose Miguel Gallardo, Jose Feliciano, etc. Foncho Castellar ademas de ser un gran acordeonero, es un gran compositor, arreglista, pianista, bajistaguitarrista y percusionista, y esta catalogado como uno de los mejores profesores de acordeon para la musica vallenata, cumbia y musica nortena en el estado de new york. Actualmente es el maximo exponente del folklore colombiano en los estados unidos segun la revista publicada por el American Musseun Of Natural History en la ciudad de New York. Foncho Castellar y Los Alegres De Colombia grabo sus primeros dis cos de larga duracion para la "Discos Disa" de Mexico. Ahora acba de grabar su ultimo CD donde aparece nuestra musica de acordeon mezclada con otros ritmos, como tambien cumbias en ingles.
    Group Members
    Richard, Carlos Quintero, Sory, Johnny B, Erik Carusso, Octavio Pastor
    Diatonic accordion and bass piano, guitar and percussion.
    Foncho Castellar y los Alegres de Colombia, Lo Mejor de la Cumbia, Y2K
    Press Reviews
    NY Post, El Diario, Hoy!, Resumen, American Museum of Natural History Magazine, Queens Theater-In-The-Park review, Carribean Heritage Monthly, numerous and various articles and reviews in Colombia, in Latin America, and the United States. Foncho's reputation goes back over thirty years!
    Additional Info
    Author and Inventor of Instructional Methods for Diatonic Accordion. A true maestro!
    Woodside, NY - USA

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