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    Artist description
    In a time when pop music is dominated by irony and cynicism, it takes a songwriter with the ability to keep things simple and earnest to break the mold and make a statement. Jason Spiewak is one of those songwriters: his poignant, straightforward lyrics and back-to-basics trio format make the New York pianist a refreshing addition to a dour and self-possessed pop scene. Spiewak tells tales of coming to terms with the past, of saying goodbye and returning home; the hallmarks of honest, soulful music from pop to bluegrass, from folk to blues. On his debut EP, You Have Me Wrong, Spiewak allows the spotlight to shine on his songs for the first time, introducing himself with seven songs that say just what they mean, in a universal way that invites the listener in. The melodic stories invoke other piano-rock icons like Billy Joel and Elton John, as does Spiewak s nimble playing (with a dash of Ben Folds pounding rawness). And his able rhythm section, bassist Greg Bass and drummer Rich Smalley, tastefully propel the songs, adding a strong base and subtle dynamics to the arrangements. Opening track I ll Drive All Night finds Spiewak vowing to leave the touring band and come home to the love that awaits him there; a true tale, inspired by his experience with his former band, Blue Suede Groove. Spiewak left the regionally successful Philadelphia band in 2001 and moved to New York with his fiancee. Strummer chastises garage bands whose ambition outweighs their spirit and talent, urging bands to just be happy to play and not sit around waiting for the A&R reps to come knocking. The crashing, dramatic piano intro of I Know That s Real dissolves into verses about celebrating love in the midst of the chaotic life of mundane jobs and sloppy roommates. In short, Jason Spiewak s tunes are piano rock for working folks; not striving to outwit their audience or cling desperately to hipster ideals, but simply serving as a series of snapshots of their author s life. The details of Spiewak s life are hinted at often, each another familiar trauma of American upbringing: his move from New York s Upper East Side to rural Pennsylvania at the age of eight (Through Stormy Weather); his parents divorce and his cherishing of his own wife-to-be (I Know That s Real); and leaving his longtime band for a day job and tranquil domesticity (I ll Drive All Night). It s the kind of music that welcomes everyone in, and encourages them to identify, raise a glass and sing along.
    Music Style
    Piano Rock
    Group Members
    Jason Spiewak - vocals, piano Greg Bass - bass Rich Smalley - drums
    You Have Me Wrong (2003)
    New York City, NY - USA

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