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    Artist description
    Consider Socketchild your musical dominatrix; f***ing you, whipping you, abusing you, but still generously feeding you the pleasures you yearn to receive. The songs often prove to be cathartic stories of the trials and tribulations of everyday life. On stage, Socketchild combine the dark exuberance which accords with metal music to an 'I'm more punk than you' enthusiasm which has enabled them to amass a noble fan base and catch the interest of promoters and record companies alike. Despite schizophrenic lyrics and an audio assault to back it, Socketchild envision a bright future for us all.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Portishead, Deftones, Failure, Depeche Mode, Poison the Well
    Artist History
    Enter the sea of repetitive, bland and for the lack of a better word, boring acts that proliferate the world of contemporary 'heavy' music in the great white north. As you've probably noticed, extracting the gold from the dirt is often a grueling process, much like pulling teeth. Now enter Socketchild, a teenage quartet based out of the Greater Toronto Area. Four kids who cite a wide variety of influences, ranging from 'Portishead' to 'Poison the Well', to everything in between. After playing in several bands beforehand, these children of the eighties decided to venture into territory they had not yet discovered. This came in the form of Socketchild. The band was originally a three piece featuring current socket kids, Zack Leggott (vocals) and Shawn Crichton (bass). After several failed attempts to achieve the results they sought after, the band was put on the back burner. In May of 2002, the band was ressurected in cooperation with new members, Kenny Coull (guitar/vocals), Shawn Huk (drums) and Chris Wood (bass). However in the fall of 2002, Chris Wood parted ways with the group on grounds of musical differences. At this point, Shawn Crichton re-entered the band. A short while later, Shawn Huk was removed from the band lineup. In March of 2003, Jon Gray (drums) agreed to pick up the sticks and fulfill the drumming duties.
    Group Members
    Zack Leggott - Vocals Kenny Coull - Guitar/Vocals Shawn Crichton - Bass Jonny Gray - Drums
    Vocals, guitars, bass, drums
    Additional Info
    Just so there is no confusion, the band is called Socketchild.
    Oshawa, Ontario - Canada

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