Artist description
We are a fantastic blend of all kinds of rock, from the catchy punk melodies of Foo Fighters, to the early grunge sound of Nirvana |
Music Style
Rock |
Musical Influences
Foo Fighters, Green Day, Nirvana, Blink 182, Crackout and Good Charlotte |
Similar Artists
Nirvana |
Artist History
The band currently known as Backlash formed January 11th 2003, after many talks and much anticipation surrounding whether or not this was actually going to happen. John (guitar) and Paul (drums) were both members of a local rock band named The Source. Along with the rest of The Source, they recorded some decent tracks and both their talent and enthusiasm began to grow.Unfortunately not all the band shared the dedication and drive that would soon lead John to decide that a change was in order to if he wanted to achieve the kinf of success he and Paul shared the desire for. Ironically The Source itself was about to become a source in every sense of the word, lending both drummer and guitarist to the project that combined with new bass player mark, and Darren, a vocalist brought in to complete the group, would go on to become Backlash. After only 2 practices the band had recorded 3 tracks onto a rough tape. With regular practices and nig plans, Backlash promises to be a name not yet known......not soon forgotten. |
Group Members
Darren (Vocals), John (Guitar), Mark (Bass) & Paul (Drums) |
Guitar, Bass and Drums |
Manchester, England - United Kingdom |
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