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    Music Style
    Alternative Rock
    Artist History
    A while back at the bar Waterberries (now officially Rumors) I bumped into Jonas, at one of the ever famous underground gigs going on that night. He was this big tall kid who really was kinda mysterious, and had caused some trouble for a friend of mine a while back, before I really got to know him. He asked me what I played, and I told him "Bass." I assume that's a good thing, because I hear bassist's are rare (and I wouldn't trade my band for anything!) So Jonas asks me a bunch of questions, and all of a sudden we hear Danny on the P.A. System saying a band had dropped out, and they needed a Guitarist and Bass Player. Jonas and I, after asking if there was a drummer in the house, Ran home, to get out instruments, and we returned to find a band was playing. How...disappointing. We exchanged numbers and after calling me quite a few times (I was literally afraid of him!) he called me when I was actually home, and invited me over to jam. My Best friend Jackie happen to be with me, and she decided to come along. She loves singing, and I figured it would be fun to revive some of my older material I had written. So off to Jonas's we went. Jonas place is like a giant studio, nothing compared to my garage, and he had all this equipment we were able to utilize. Jackie grabbed the P.A. as the singer, I Jacked up my bass to this HUGE stack bass amp (his dads bands amp), Jonas played guitar on his Crate Stack, and we were set....BUT! We were missing something...oh! A drummer. Well, I called up Acoustic Ed, just for the fun of it, and he said sure why not. We jammed for a while, and we became fairly tight. After band arguments about our name, (from Deans Garage, to The Silver Emu Project 2) We completely settled on "Fuel to Fire." Unfortunately for us, Ed wasn't the best of drummers, though i love him to death, and Jackie and i got into...yes...another Fight....(if you don't know us, these aren't a rariti) Well, we were singerless, and upset for the entire month of October, and we had a booked a 3 song gig at Browning high school, Jonas's prep school downtown. We prepared, and practices everyday for an entire month, until everything was set. We get downtown the cold night of Nov. 11, and we pulled off Don't Go, Voices and Waiting...rather gracefully. I wish I could say the same for the Waterberries show we got booked for on Nov 22. It wasn't as Graceful as we wanted it to be, although it wasn't a complete failure. Jackie was there, with a friend of her's...Joe...and she Jumped on stage, with the encouragement of Joe, and sang The Vampire...ahh the feeling of being whole again, what an experience. Well, Jackie, of course, was back in the band again, (we love her, we really do) but things were slowly falling apart with Eddie with his ideas of a solo career. This was a rather stressful thing, since we couldn't keep everything together. Then Jackie, being so special, was at a Manheim Gig, and she met up with her friend Joe. I really didn't know Joe, and I never saw him before....or did I? Yes! Well, would you look at that, I met him at a bus stop about a year before this show, and we spoke about guitars, and his Drumset in Co-op City. How strange is that? Well, we took this talented Musician back to our house to jam, and it was just me Eddie and Jackie, with Joe not knowing what to do, so we decided to let him try the drumset. And Bingo. He came to our set at Waterberries, and he knew what kind of music we wanted, and well....Bingo to say the least. He is a drumming Metal God to say the very least. I called Jonas, who was upset about Waterberries not so great sound, and told him we have another drummer. He was shocked, and came over the next week or so, to meet him. We jammed with Joe until we actually got him to learn the few songs we wrote. We then started becoming picky with our originals, and we cut a 10 song set to only 6 or so, since we felt like we could afford to do that with a new member who broadened our style. Joe helped us expand, and its hard to say where we would be without him. It was a great feeling to have a real backbone in the band, since we couldn't really depend on Eddie to be a great drummer with great timing. Joe adds a metallic flavor, as well as great timing, two things we really need. We Jammed for a few hours every weekend, until we had enough original, and cover material to do our Pre booked Female February show, and then we realized something. We were still Fuel to Fire, the name stained with the previous show. That needed to be changed, and fast! So One night, while in my garage (our little studio) the band was conversing about the name, and all of a sudden, I looked on the wall, and saw my Interstate 95 sign, and well...There goes that explanation, and it actually fits! We all Live near the highway, and it connects us, it worked. We Played our first couple of gigs and we are rocking on, as usual! We are here to spread the music of Metal, Grunge, Classic Rock, Fusion, with a Female singer to boot! Catch This tight band at our next gig, which should be posted on the "Shows" Portion of this website. Drop us a line anytime! Thanks for Reading! Rock on! -Jacks`
    Group Members
    Jackie - Lead Vocals, Jacks - Bass guitar, Jonas - guitar, Joe - drums
    Bronx, New York - USA

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