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    Music Style
    Alternative / Skatepunk / Emo
    Similar Artists
    Saves the day, Lagwagon, Snuff, Millencolin, The get up kids, Nofx, New found glory, Jimmy eat world, The starting line, Finch, Blink 182, All, Elliot, Dag Nasty, Starmarket, green day
    Artist History
    Biography In the end of year 2000 Johan and Fredrik met up in the center of Sigtuna, Sweden. They talked about starting a band with best intentions of helping each other out with different music projects. Songs was written and plans for the future where made. At that time Johan played bas in a band called Franklin Lakes and after 2 European tours and some record releases he wanted to try something new. Fredrik is currently playing guitar in a hardcore/rock band called Dxtr, but had some singer/songwriter ambitions that needed to see the light of the day. Johan and Fredrik decided to ask Patrik the drummer of Dxtr to join their new untitled pop/rock project... he accepted. The three boys now need a second guitar player, so Patrik called his old bandmate Martin from Mellow, he filled the spot perfectly and Jetpilot was born. Shortly after our first recording session our drummer past away in a train accident. We all miss him. Jetpilot will continue to write and record songs, this time with Jonas K on drums. We were recently in EAR studio (again) and recorded another 4 songs. Starting out as a recording project Jetpilot quickly turned into a hard working rock band. And the race was on...
    Group Members
    Jonas - Drums Fredrik - Guitars / vocals Johan - Bass / back up vocals Martin - Guitars / Vocals
    Session With Him
    Press Reviews
    another review from After spinning JetPilot's demos a couple of times, it becomes abundantly clear that these Stockholm Sweden boys saw what The Get Up Kids did in Four Minutes and have set out to do it in three. One can't fault their ambition, but everyone knows that The Get Up Kids have adopted "That 70's" haircuts, and have traded in their youthful ambition for recycling Replacements guitar riffs and snorting coke of hookers rear-ends. They likely haven't run a mile in over 11 minutes since the mid-nineties. Never-the-less, Jetpilot (comprised of ex-members of Europe's Franklin Lakes and Dxtr) is a new emo powerhouse.... that is if rousing, up-tempo pop anthems make you weak in the knees. "Just Like Yesterday's" melodic, and cheery guitar lines, strained harmonies, and keyboard tinkering combine to drop more hooks than your grand pappy on a weekend outing to Lake Hyawatha. For those of us who were spinning Jawbreaker at age 15 in lieu of Angel Hair, Slint, or Don Caballero, Sweden's Jetpilot is also the perfect reminder that music doesn't have to be high-minded or overly ambitious to be ballsy. The pinging single note soloing in "On My Knees" leads into vocalist Fredrik Kempe's lyrics, "A week before my birthday, she dumped me and it broke my heart," which are delivered with enough adolescent vitality to tease a chuckle rather than a grimace out of this critic. The only track of the eight that had me cringing was "I Don't Know" vocalized by a member of the band who seemingly took vocal lessons from Adam Sandler's opera-inclined newscaster Saturday Night Live character. Cancel your Lumberjack order of the new Schatzi and All-American Rejects albums; contact your long lost European penpal, and rangle up this demo before these guys have Something To Write Home About. -Tim Anderl a review of the demo from JETPILOT - Demo #1 The fact that Sweden is a breeding-ground for outstanding independent bands is nothing new - still, some new Swedish bands rock me off my socks Jetpilot is a rather new band from Sigtuna and from the first chord on you can tell that those guys have been involved in the music scene for quite some time already. In fact, one of the guys was in Franklin Lakes before, some other members are also active in the hardcore band Dxtr. Well, hardcore is definitely not Jetpilot's cup of tea. The four songs on their first demo offer a contagious mix of pop and rock, topped off by mature and gifted musicianship. This band is emotional without being emo, a rare quality these days! Early Last Days Of April come to mind, but I fear this vague comparison will do neither band justice... No fake feelings and far away from the tear-jerker tracks that poison the airwaves... Rockin' music by gifted musicians - and I'm not surprised at all they're currently working on a mcd for a label. No, it doesn't always have to be Doghouse, Defiance or Rev... open your eyes! Added: August 12th 2002 Reviewer: Sebastian Score: 4,5 / 5
    Stockholm, Stockholm - Sweden

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