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    Artist description
    We’re a group a guys in a rock band who like to have fun the only way we know how, by rocking the pants off of all the hot ladies… Oh, and by also giving the guys something to listen to. But we mainly we do it for all the Gorgeous Babes… and our friends… Oh and our moms and dads. And you can’t forget Uncle Jim. Hmm… Who else? Well, any hoo we basically like playing our music for anyone who enjoys listening to it.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Red Hot Chili Peppers, Incubus, Radio Head, Toadies, Creed, and basically every other band we enjoy listening to.
    Similar Artists
    We've been told we sound like a buch of different bands; You tell us.
    Artist History
    We all live in the town of Pontiac Il. Where is that? You may ask. Well it’s smack dab in the middle of Boringsvill and Chenoa. So we decided to start a band. It started with me (Joe), Sear, Rinker, and Frailey. We started by playing at our High School and other Pontiac functions, and found that a lot of people liked our sound. So after hours and hours of practice in the Sear Family Basement, we decided to make a CD. While enjoying the CD making process (with Larry) we found that Frailey was having problems due to his busy schedule. So he decided it would be best if he left the band. We quickly got a close friend of ours Jon (aka Gary) To be our new Singer. After the CD was finished we added a new addition to our band, Paterson. And that is how AGB, the band you might not know and might some day love, was born.
    Group Members
    Jason Sear – Lead drums (and singer of the Man Song) Joe Diaz – Bass guitar and backup vocals John Rinker – Guitar and lead vocals Jon Hoerner – Lead vocals and percussion Nate Paterson – Guitar
    The Art Gibson Band (also known as the uncle Jim CD)
    Pontiac, IL - USA

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