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    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    deftones, glassjaw, Thursday
    Artist History
    Three years of brotherhood, compromise, laughter, and an overall love for music has molded and shaped what Downtown Singapore is today. Greif and aggrivation is out weighed by the joy in success and the relentless drive to do better. Five guys with high school diploma's, ready to sieze the moment they continue to work for daily. Waldorf, MD is a place which now-a-days seems to be the focus of alot of attention. This new found curiosity at one point existed only in the hearts of those who played the scene one weekend at a time juggling high school, a family life and, for many, part time jobs. But it was these weekends that brought joy to kids who spent all week battling the second hand in anxioty of going out and watching the people they so badly wanted to emulate. Downtown Singapore, pioneers of the ball-tap game, started like all of the rest and hit the scene playing their first show to a crowd of over 200. This groundswell of attention drove the boys to the top of the ladder, as far as they themselves could take the band. Two successive city battle of the bands crowns (a feet only conquered by one other waldorf band known as good charlotte) parallel victories in the 'Nations Nightclub' battle of the bands, and a self-funded independant release called 'Everything' which sold over 600 copies in the first two months with no distribution help. All of these are prior accomplishments of a band that is unfocused on quantity of cd's sold but the quality of the album produced, a hungry demon which drives them to burn the music of the past and kill themselves to write better and more meaningful art. Playing out is not foriegn to these gentlemen. scrapeing pennies from in between car seats to buy one more xerox copy and plaster all 500 on everywall of every high school, movie theatre, and mall in the area has proven accurate in the attendance at shows. Waldorf, DC, Baltimore, Northern Virginia, Deleware and new home Salisbury, Maryland are the regular stomping ground. Buried in books and the college music scene DTOWN is ready to jump in a van and play every shit-hole in the nation 11 months at a time. Aware and craving of the stress of the road this band has proven itself to everyone but the people that can get them there. Downtown Singapore is ready to conquer new ground and proove to the singing faces in the crowd that we are willing to give them everything.
    Group Members
    Jerry Scott- Vocals Matt Thorsen-Drums Ryan Grimes-Guitar Terrence Mycka-Bass Matt VanGasbeck-Guitar
    waldorf, md - USA

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