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    Artist History
    The name Vicus would propably leave you somewhat confused upon hearing it for the first time. But I trust not for long. This artist aims for that name to be soley associated with great songs that are well sung, uniquely backed up with warm guitars, toe tapping rhythms and heart felt lyrics that sprung from a deep conviction in life, and how to go about living it... The 24 year old Wikus Stander, or otherwise known as Vicus, started playing guitar and writing songs a little over 10 years ago. Having been in and out of bands, never quite settling with a committed group of muso's, he decided to go 'solo' as some would say. Still co-writing some of the songs with DJ and former band member Stoki (Wounded buffalo Productions) and teaming up with top SA producer, Darryl Torr (Openroom Productions), Vicus is finally on his way to completing his debut album that yet remains untitled. The first single Hand in yours has already received extensive radio play across South Africa. It is no wonder, that after well known SA group Henry Ate heard the single for the first time, they invited him to support them at some of the Gauteng shows during October 2002 before leaving for their American tour. Performing live, Vicus meets every expectation you might have after hearing the single. Songs sung passionately, with his distinctive voice enticing listeners for the duration of the performance. In terms of writing lyrics and music, Vicus takes quite a different approach. He aspires to write songs that would captivate listeners instantly, yet should remain growing on them over time. A total opposite to the classic pattern of a 'one hit wonder'. Lyrics play a big role in this as well. "Music will have little or no impact unless fuelled by motive." he says, and adds "I don't have all the answers to life, but I know someone who does. Music, having the ability to cross over social, religious, and other divides, can be an awesome and effective medium in bringing people to an understanding that there is hope, freedom, and salvation in Jesus Christ." Passionate about his God, his wife (Tanya, also doing backing vocals on a few tracks) and his music. These are all elements that play a part in shaping the mature songs coming from this artist. Well worth supporting. But hey, don't take our word for it, download the single and decide for yourself. - copyright © 2003 all rights reserved
    Vocals, Guitar, Bass
    Johannesburg, Gauteng - South Africa

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