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    Artist description
    Powerful, aggressive and progressive metal, using complex songstructures, strange hectic measures.
    Music Style
    Progressive Metal
    Musical Influences
    Meshuggah, the Haunted, Tool, Allan Holdsworth
    Similar Artists
    Meshuggah, the Haunted, Tool, Allan Holdsworth
    Artist History
    Pedal to the metal, hard work, jamming and polyrhythmic are what Textures is all about. Textures wants progress. To stand still is to fall behind. Musical clichés only exist to be avoided at all costs. A modern and diverse sound is what it’s all about. Together in the current setup since the summer of 2001. Six musicians, each with their own unique view on music. Six links needed to produce the Textures-sound. There are multiple words, defining this sound. Dynamic, aggressive, refreshing, atmospheric. The use of advanced technology and uncommon measures isn’t avoided in the least. Influences are gained from a great number of different genres. Still the hyped up songs remain accessible and interesting for all music lovers. From left to right: Jochem - guitar, vocals Stef - drums, vocals Richard - Synths Dennis - bass Pieter - Vocals Bart - guitar, vocals The band members have all had their fair share of experience playing in other bands, before they united their forces in one collective. The musicians are on the other hand still young (24 years old, on average) and ambitious. For this reason, the first album recordings commenced at the end of 2001. A naive idea? On the contrary! The band has all the technique and knowledge in store to produce the entire album by themselves. From building a complete studio, to designing the artwork. The huge dedication of the musicians results in a debut album; POLARS, with a close to 1 hour playtime. The title POLARS reflects every aspect of the band. The singing, song structures, lyrics and the personalities within the band. Six songs, which make clear that Textures is larger than the sum of her parts. Join in for a hectic rollercoaster ride in modern metalmadness!
    Group Members
    Stef Broks- drums, vocals Dennis Aarts- bass Jochem Jacobs- guitar, vocals Richard Rietdijk - Synths Bart Hennephof - guitar, vocals Pieter Verpaalen- Vocals
    vocals, bass, drums, guitars, synths
    Additional Info
    Tilburg, Noord-Brabant - Netherlands

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