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    Artist description
    In a generation where even pencils are pop, there arises a subtle, yet guttural cry from the masses of the culturally semi-informed. Their need? A casserole of musical crunch, an international plethora of timeless, yet average progressiveness, which simultaneously retains a healthy sense of the egotistical, mid-America rigid rock instinct. Meatwater. Meatwater brings change, raining down on the starving meadow of wood-paneled alcohol-serving establishments of little Egypt. Come to the water's edge. Drink deep the harmonious blend of man and musical kitchen.
    Music Style
    Similar Artists
    King's X, Atomic Opera, Galactic Cowboys, Collective Soul, Bob Dylan
    Artist History
    While many maintain that the prediction of Meatwater’s formation and rise to affluence was interwoven into the ancient Nordic traditions as foretold on various artistic etchings upon torture and fondue instruments found amidst the rubble of Europe in the wake of the second World War, what is universally accepted by historians is that in Autumn of 2002 A.D., Carbondale locals Chad Toney, Daniel Larson, and Nathan Caldwell formed the band known as “Meatwater”. Chad and Nathan, having partaken in the wildly successful musical venture of Clive Staples, a high school band of near legendary status which won them not only the illusion of female adoration, but the financial means of supporting an ant farm, a 1967 Plymouth Belvedere, and a weekly movie allowance of 55 cents a week (each), were left with the taste of full success in their mouths. With an overhaul of the repertoire and the addition of Daniel Larson on bass, Meatwater quickly gelled into the formidable front-runner of the up and coming pope rock bands of the catholic pop genre. Soon realizing their non-existent ties to the Catholic Church were not enough to propel them to the top of the papal charts, they dropped the title and stuck to power pop. Acting as the primary foundation of this relatively new band are their live shows; packed with gimmicks and stylistic uniformity unparalleled since the glory days of the barbershop quartets. Meatwater blends humor, harmony, and rock, guaranteeing satisfaction live or albumized. Meatwater, local enough to have attracted a fan base of great diversity (in both age and political affiliation), looks eagerly towards playing at your venue. From hostel cafeteria to the dance floor, Meatwater won’t disappoint!
    Group Members
    Nathan Caldwell: drums, vocals Daniel Larson: bass, vocals Chad Toney: guitar, lead vocals
    Press Reviews
    "That was cool man! I like the harmonies. . . they [Meatwater] reminded me a lot of King's X." -Dickie, DJ for 103.5 the X
    Carbondale, Illinois - USA

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