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    Artist description
    It begins with ONE, alone, separate. ONE idea. ONE wish. As confidence and talent converge it becomes ONE dream. The desire to create, to share, to be. If you're lucky, you'll meet others like you... This very thing happened in early 2002 as four became ONE when Daniel von Jens (vox/guitar), John Conhartoski (drums/vox), Michael Boothroyd (guitars/vox) and Steve Glynn (bass) joined their ideas, aspirations and dreams to create a unique musical experience for all to indulge. They knew they had to go public. For their first live performance, they found themselves playing at a major event for a large, multi-national corporation. Shortly after, they hit the Milwaukee music scene with force. The pre-show promotion of their first public performance at one of areas well-known live music venues was beyond successful. They created such a buzz of anticipation that the room was nearly at capacity for sound check! This same enthusiasm has followed loyally to subsequent performances. This has generated a solid foundation that ONE LESS INFINITY will build on with their upcoming self-titled four-song CD release. The reaction was inspiring. Why? The answer can be found in the music. ONE LESS INFINITY brings a crisp, clean feel and sound that refuses to depend on ONE type of tempo or recurring guitar riff. Within the music reside emotional, identifiable lyrics that instantly establish a connection between the band and the audience. And so it continues. Believing they are on the verge of something no LESS than incredible. Something unique. What's created will last for INFINITY.
    Music Style
    Rock, Pop, Hard, Soft, In between
    Musical Influences
    Incubus, Dave Matthews, Tantric, Dream Theater
    Similar Artists
    Incubus, DMB, Tantric, Tonic, Nickleback
    Group Members
    Vox-Daniel von Jens, Guitar/vox-Michael Boothroyd, Bass-Steve Glynn, Drums/vox-John Conhartoski
    Self titled debut
    Milwaukee, WI - USA

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