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    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Nofx, BigWig, NeverHood
    Similar Artists
    Nofx, Rise Against, BigWig
    Artist History
    Long Gone has had many changes over the years. Brandon and Steven have always been the main source behind the band. In about 8 th grade they wanted to start a band but 2 people was not enough to be serious. So they got a kid named Tim to play rythem guitar and a kid named Brad to play bass, and that was the set up for a while. But they were emo at the time and needed an emo singer. Brad wasent the best bass player so we got a kid named Matt to take his place as the bassest and he also became the singer. After a while steven and Brandon began to get sick of emo. They stoped playing the same emo shit every day and started playing stuff like lagwagon, nofx, and bigwig. Tim quit when he heard the new sound. Matt stayed but wanted to play drums, so Steven and him switched instruments and Brandon started singing. A guy named Scott came it to take tims place. But scott was into more harder heavier faster stuff and him and Matt had a lot of conflict problems so Matt quit . Shortly after that Scott also left because he didnt like our brand of music. Once again it was Steven and Brandon as a 2 man band so they decited to take a break for a while. After the little break they wrote some more songs and asked 2 kids named Russel and Donald to join and they did. Now that they had a band with every one liking the same music they could be serious. But they still needed a manager so they asked their friend Joe who had mad hookups with record labels and knew just about everyone you needed to know to have a band and of course he said yes. Now the band is complete.
    Group Members
    Brandon- Vocals/Guitar Russel- Guitar Steven- Drums/Vocals Donald-Bass
    Vocals, Guitar, Drums, Bass
    Hobe Sound, Florida - USA

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