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derek joe

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    Artist description
    craggly, broken songs, sometimes held together by orgone energy but often merely by the headless horse he rode in and fell off of. sometimes minimal, sometimes fleshy. always hungry, parasitic, gingivitical.
    Music Style
    varies depending on the swirl
    Musical Influences
    nick drake, leonard cohen, nick cave, hank williams sr., tom waits, sade, captain beefheart, charles mingus, ornette coleman, mexican banda, rodrigo gonzales, tigres del norte, roy orbison, patsy cline, swans, black sabbath, roland kirk, etc. . . . .
    Similar Artists
    nick drake, nick cave, will oldham, tom waits, sade, hank williams sr, swans
    Artist History
    during university days, in the u.s. derek joe brockett played with a band whose songs he primarily wrote called 'gallery thirteen'. 'that is prison slang for where ye git burried there' by the end of things they had recorded a wobbly six song demo called 'flowers for all occasions' which in retrospect is quite a nice document of what was going on those days. at the same time, he played bass in his good buddy manny joe homo's band called 'three ring carcass'. derek also played guitar and soprano sax ('sort of') in manny's jazz combo 'the melodius thunk infinitet'. 'what times'. unfortunatly, right when things were going fine 'n' dandy, Derek's friend stainar and he got into some trouble coming back from mexico with a basket full o' contraband and then his woman left him(or vice versa) and then he just up and dissapeared for a while, ironically holing up down mexico way. there, he wrote a new album called 'up above the world, 'neath the everlasting stain' and when paco who played bass in gallery thirteen came down to visit, derek played him the songs and he convinced him to forego his trip through central america and come back to oklahoma to record the tunes with them. easly convinced, he did so. so, there were some pretty good songs there but the final version of the record went 'nowheresville slowly' so derek went back down to mexico and stayed for some years. he wrote a bucket of songs and then in 2000 went back to oklahoma and did a solo record called 'my strength is hatred' and pressed it up on ten inch vinyl. this was done because at some point, derek became buddies with will oldham (a.k.a. bonnie prince billy) and it was he who convinced him to go back to the u.s. & record this and press it up and he was to distribute it. however, due to a horrible misunderstanding at a show in denver, they don't seem to get along any more and so that record is just sitting around in some crates here and yonder. currently, derek is back in mexico and there is very little anyone has been able to do about it from there. so now, derek has a new album ready to record. it will be called 'trembling things'. with any luck it will be recorded in 2003. UPDATE: TREMBLING THINGS IS READY FOR YOU!!!!!
    Group Members
    'gallery thirteen': derek joe brockett -singing/guitar tony roberts - guitar/textures paco - bass forrest smith - percussion jesse butler - guitars etc. 'derek joe brockett' solo are: derek joe brockett - singing/guitar/melodica/trombone/trumpet etc. l.l.o.j.-tuba g. saxophone damien - guitar buddy blutpug - percussion/programming
    guitars, brass, singing, drums, melodica, etc.
    see above
    Press Reviews
    depress review, mejor dicho.
    Additional Info
    Derek is also writing a new penal code for the entire world.
    zipolite, oaxaca - Mexico

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