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    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    pedro the lion, radiohead, in medias res, hayden
    Similar Artists
    we'll let the critics handle this
    Artist History
    devan and eric went to school together, never talked in shcool. once eric graduated, he some how got in contact with devan who at that time, he and his frined adam had left a band called kushin. eric mentioned to devan he and his friend were looking for a vocalist and a drummer, and devan and adam were just that. they hooked up... and broke up, almost as quick as that. a year later eric met up with devana and adam at a cocnert, and renewed aquatinces (eric is pretty illiterate). devan and adam had been jamming the year prior, and asked eric to join. diar was going to be a three piece band with the members rotating instruments. diar played their first show at "myles of beans" in burnaby on december 23, 2002. devan sang and played guitar, adam was also on guitar, and eric played bass. the night went well, the band played for roughly two hours, and 23 (maybe 25) songs after originaly planning on 8-10. that show brought about the end to adam being a member. he made a decision to leave that devan and i appreciate. he's still a good friend. in the weeks following, devan and eric were hooked up with a fella' named leigh, who we're jamming and writing songs with, and welcomed him into the band. we're in the search for a drummer currently, and look to play many shows and record in the near future. ~eric
    Group Members
    currently; devan, leigh, eric past members; adam starting line-up ; adam, devan, eric
    devan - vocal, guitar; eric - bass, back-up vocals, leigh - guitar (i hear he's learning piano...??)
    none as to date
    Press Reviews
    we would leave to hear what you think of us.
    vancouver, bc - Canada

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