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    Artist description
    3 bodies is just a name to use for the page. we didn't have a name, just that extending triangle symbol you see in the picture, long before prince dropped his name. the music is some times silly other times quite dark. 3 bored musicians using their limited equipment in new ways.
    Music Style
    weird sound /industrial /comedy /soundscape /dark electronic /experimental /noise
    Musical Influences
    Artist History
    the 3 of us had played together for a long time in other garage bands around highschool era. we began recording strange music in 1993 as our tastes in music became extreme. although we lived in kansas at the time, and good music was very hard to find, so we where sheltered from the truely bizzare stuff we have heard and love now. we were not rich and didnt have any fancy equipment so we did what everyone does and tries new things with the same shit. this page has some of the first recordings we did while learning how to home record on cheap portastudio 4track. we all moved around and went to college fro some years and then all met back up in minnesota where we the had a computer to add to our gear list and did alot of recording in livingrooms. most of the music is straight from tape master with no filtering. after living in minneapolis for a little while i met matt loney of Unconditional Loathing at a janitorial supply warehouse job. after dicking around with matt and paul from U.L. for awhile the 3 of us where quickly assimilated into Unconditional Loathing and this music project was no more. (1993-1999) ...dead project...
    Group Members
    mr a.greg mr m.jerry mr s.jay
    keyboards / dr.505 / mics / portasudio 04 / tape machines / guitars / bass / etc...
    3 disc set (1993-1999) / error (1997)

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