Music Style
Rock |
Musical Influences
Blue Star Drive's influences derive from sub-cultured rock groups such as Finch, Deftones, At The Drive In, Blink182, Greenday, Jimmy Eat World, Thursday, FenixTX, Brand New, Saves The Day, Metallica, Glassjaw, and Coldplay... |
Artist History
Based out of Piscataway, New Jersey, Blue Star Drive formed in the late days of October 2001 in South Orange, NJ... Not long after, Lou Panico along with Jason and Mike Padilla started performing together with similar intentions... After a year or so enjoying small shows and covers, Blue Star Drive decided to get down and dirty. We added Brendan Root during the winter of 2003. |
Group Members
Lou Panico - Guitar, Vocals... Mike Padilla - Bass, Vocals... Brendan Root - Guitar, Vocals... Jason Padilla - Drums |
Piscataway, New Jersey - USA |
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