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    Artist description
    NJ based "Gloom Rock" group. Can be found around punk rock, electronic, and underground scenes.
    Music Style
    Creative, interpretive music with deeply personal lyrics. Call it "Gloom Rock" call it what you will.
    Musical Influences
    Radiohead, Orgy, Placebo, Kill Hannah, Stabbing Westward
    Similar Artists
    I wouldn't want to insult anyone like that...
    Artist History
    The band takar was first conceived as an idea by me. Its first adaptation was as my pen-name, under which I wrote my poems and short stories. It later dawned on me that what I wanted even more then to be an author was to be a musician. After attempts under several other names I decided to just use the name I knew so well. And thus the first notion of the band was formed. I then set out looking for musicians to fill the roster. My initial thoughts went to my Friend Ty whom I had met over the summer. I knew he had been playing piano for quite some time, and as I am a synth fan myself, I thought he would make an excellent addition. Justin, my neighbor/friend/fellow musician, knew many more musicians then me and was able to come up with two hopeful musicians, a drummer and a bassist. So we where set, or so we thought. When all was said and done the suggested drummer and I had different musical directions in mind. After some talking he decided that takar was not for him. The bassist left the group to form a punk-rock band. Thus we where without a drummer or bassist. As it stands now Takar’s current line up is: Ty (keys), and myself (vocals and guitar). Takar is currently looking for a drummer, bassist, and second guitarist. We look forward to busting our asses to get our music out to the public. If you are interested in any aspect of the band, or would like to schedual a meeting to fill-in one of the musician slot, feel free to contact us at -PATato
    Group Members
    As it stands now Takar’s current line up is: Ty(keys), and myself(vocals and guitar). As of now Takar is without a drummer, bassist, or second guitarist.
    North, New Jersey - USA

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