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    Artist description
    We are a bunch of females, with a lot of positive, feminist energy and a good attitude and an ability to laugh - also at ourselves! We make our own songs and the songs come straight from the heart!
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    L7, Skunk Anansie, Nigel Kennedy, Red Hot Chili Peppers,Joan Jett, Tina Turner, Black Sabbath, Jean-Luc Ponty
    Similar Artists
    L7, Joan Jett,
    Artist History
    Year 1992 - two tired girls (singer and guitarist) meet at lunch-hour by a book-store's magazine shelf. Somehow they start talking about dreams of having a band and end up sitting on a cementary fench drinking home-made alcohol and making gloomy songs. A rockmagazine announcement brought the bass player in. She liked immediately the noisy-energetic-songs-to-be-ideas played with an old cassetteplayer and started humming basslines in her mind. The drummer was a problem for many years! The first one wanted to play keyboards - and we didn't want keyboards at all. The second one disappeared just before our first gig and was finally found having a party at somebody's house and was NOT in a good condition to play anything - later she disppared totally. Then there was NOT a third one for a long time but there wasn't any room for a drummer either in our new little rehearsing place... Finally we asked another female-band if we could borrow their drummer for a while - the while has been for 6 years now! The violinist drifted in for some songs and some more and some more and now she also sings and plays diggeridoo (because they told her in Australia that women are NOT allowed to play it).
    Group Members
    Jane Haavisto sings, Sany Kallio plays guitar, Karo Vartiainen plays violin, diggeridoo, percussions and whatever is needed. Tuikku Asikainen plays bass and sings and Tiina Rajala plays drums.
    Guitar, bass, violin, diggeridoo, drums
    Demomaterial on two CD:s (If you feel it and Stalker) is available, also CD live-bits from a concert.
    Press Reviews
    We are more or less unknown heroes! Only the local energy company . Pori Energia, in their anniversary 1998 magazine made a story of us and send the magazine to every household in town! But - surprise, surprise- that didn't make us any more famous than before....
    Additional Info
    We are really like a family after all these years, all these boyfriends, all these parties, all these....
    PORI - Finland

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