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    Artist description
    Cib is a musically refreshing original rock band whose songs focus on life, events, praise, people, and faith. All artist info can be found at
    Music Style
    Rock, Christian
    Musical Influences
    Classic rock, Pop
    Similar Artists
    Early Stones mixed with modern rock plus the Cars, Audio Adreneline, Newsboys, Big Tent Revival, and the Ramones.
    Artist History
    In the summer of 1995 several young men met with the dream of creating a band. With no musical talents this group of friends created and performed for their friends and anyone else who would lend an ear. Early songs consisted of noise behind moaning vocals of classic hymns. Despite the lack of musical ability, the band continued to perform live and made up for its deficiencies with its stage presence and exciting performances. In 1996 the band decided to focus on using their music and performances for God. Gradually members of the band began to develop musical talents and songwriting ability. The members of the band have changed but the original spirit of fun and ministry remains. Cib released its first album in 1998, followed by the release of “Free” in 2001, and “There” in 2002. Cib has been transformed from a side show musical act to a professional musical unit. With experience, know how, and a strong repertoire, Cib is now on the road to even greater success.
    Group Members
    Matt Haviland Andy Macpherson Jeff Macpherson
    Drums, Guitar, Bass Guitar. Keyboard/Midi.
    Self Titled Debut (1998), Free (2001), There (2002)
    Press Reviews
    There Review-Sarah Hamilton In a world where artists strive to create identity through the expression of music, Cib makes their mark. Their second album “Free,” successfully established a root sound of original Christian rock. “There” maintains that core sound, while expanding and adding depth to create a polished album. Pictured on the cover, the band is shown gazing out over the ocean. This is a clever depiction of the “Shower” song, and an insight into the theme that the music presents to the listener. The ocean’s horizon represents a goal to be pursued. “There” does not approach typical lyrical themes of pursuing love or defeating social injustice. In spiritually inspired words, Cib presses a message of living a life real for God. The band creates their own musical genre that challenges listeners to live a life that isn’t dictated by an image that society creates for us (“Commerce”), but to look past ourselves and take into example the guy who makes God his identity (“What’s Your Name.”) Backing the strong lyrics is alternative rock music that dives through continuous waves of rhythmic progression. There is smooth transition between melodic songs “There,” “Let it Go,” and “Wanda Why,” and the faster tempo tracks “Shower,” and “Commerce.” Somewhere sandwiched between the different layers of rock music, Cib incorporates a jam-based sound (“Al Spring 5000.”) Is it possible to produce an album that is both fun and serious? Cib naturally combines the elements of humor, fun, and a positive message into their music, which is the beauty of their style. “There” continues down the path that “Free” has paved, expanding the bands vision and journey to new musical horizons.
    Port Republic, NJ - USA

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