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    Artist description
    Rudolph E. Willis is the product of musical parents. The son of a Jazz saxophonist and a gospel-singing mother. And although he is a composer and multi-instrumentalist, it is the Soprano Sax that commands his attention. The woodwind has always been his instrument of choice. He started with the clarinet in high school, supplemented by acoustic and electric guitar. The flute and midi keyboard came much later. But it is the Soprano Sax that has consumed him over the past several years. And his adeptness in the use of Midi allows him to be an equally competent arranger of the songs he performs, giving him the ability to record much of his material in his home studio. When R.E. Willis picks up his horn and enters his world, his love of music is evident. It is evident in the sultry, heavenly, and unforgettable sounds that flow from his soprano sax. It is clear that all he chooses to play embraces those aspects of music that make us human. He deviates just a little from the classical structure, progressions and flowing melodies that make well known songs memorable. Just enough to remind us that even the most beautiful, unforgettable, and emotionally stirring songs can soar to other places -- leaving us happy, sad, wistful. As a result, his sound is new and unique. He plays his soprano sax in a Jazzy mode, weaving its magnificient tone through some of the greatest pop melodies ever written. SMOOTH POP is what he calls his style. With just enough Jazz overtone to make his ound unforgettable and different from all other types of instrumental music. He believes that the soprano sax can achieve true homage for only a select type of pop song.One with classical progressions, soaring melodies, impressionable themes. In this arena, the soprano sax rises to its true greatness as an instrument - gathering within its tones all the best characteristics of all of its brothers and sisters: the raunchy sounds of the alto sax, the piercing brightness of he trumpet, the ethereal flights of the flute, and the profound baritone beauty of the clarinet. Only the soprano sax can do this. R.E. Willis shows why "golden oldies" are golden, and why "memorable pop songs" become memorable. The soprano sax of R.E. Willis sings the songs many of us can never forget, coaxes us to cling to the pop melodies still becoming memorable, and declares the arrival of the beautiful, haunting, sad, joyous, and awesome songs of today. His first independent recording ANY DAY NOW paves the way for what's to come. He is a solo artist who reminds us why melody is magnificient, and why the soprano sax is incomparable as a Jazz instrument, especially when it embraces pop music.
    Music Style
    Smooth Pop Instrumental
    Musical Influences
    Coltrane, Armstrong, Parker, Bechet, Kenny G, Galway
    Similar Artists
    Louis Armstrong, Kenny G, James Galway
    Soprano Saxophone, keyboard
    St. Louis, MO - USA

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