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    Artist description
    The original bad boys of rock from Tucson AZ, playing it like it is. Guitar driven rock pop music with plenty of teenage despair and hopefulness. It's raw, it's real and it's totally 1994!
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    The Cure, Smashing Pumpkins, Weezer
    Artist History
    It's just one of those magical things like a page out of a fairy tale: One day a bunch of 14 year old kids found themselves brought together by destiny, and there happened to be a bunch of guitars lying around. So naturally they set out on their quest to learn every Cure song in the book. Mat was a sport and volunteered to fill the bass role which only left an opening in the drum chair. The problem was we didn't even have a drum chair! So somehow we convinced Mat's brother Joe that if he played drums in our band that chicks would really dig him (and that was a safe bet because Joe's such a stud that chicks were really just into him anyway). And so it began, we tormented the Richins household with noise untill we finally learned how to play our instruments properly, even then there were still bleeding eardrums. We survived off of thirstbusters, video games and sister Richins' cookies. It was a career of glory with ups and downs, a few fist fights and a whole lot of happiness. A special thanks goes out to all those brave souls who let us crash their partys, after all we were cheaper than hiring a DJ. The climax of the Only Anything story, our moment in the sun perhaps came February 17th 1995. We ruled the DPC(Downtown Performance Center) just after the release of our first album Pleasantly Surprised. Or maybe the moment came as we played "Boy's Don't Cry" in front of 500+ screaming teenage girls at EFY. We got our taste of the rock and roll lifestyle(minus the drugs and the women). Those are now the "good old days" or "back in the day" if you prefer, but the greatness of Only Anything still lives strong in our souls, rock on.
    Group Members
    Jonathan Thwaits-vocals,guitar Jon Stone-vocals,guitar Mat Richins-bass John Heidenreich-guitar,vocals Joe Richins-drums Steve and Andy Hunt-inspiration(and backup dancers) Jeremy Parker-shaker Aaron Bell and Devon Carson-the fan club
    Pleasantly Surprised 1995, Space Capers 1996, Album 1997
    Tucson, AZ - USA

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