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    Artist description
    Based in San Jacinto, California, Dangerous Beauty craft songs of the imagination with music that seeps into the mind and lyrics that flow from a stream of consciousness, telling tales of emotion and passion that wells from the minds and spirits of the disabled husband and wife duo. Born in Eastern French-Canada, Danielle didn't speak English until age 7. At 9 she began her vocal training in classical choir and operatic voice under the rigorous instruction of Catholic School Nuns. A genetic hip and knee condition and an early childhood divorce caused her to mature quickly. She would leave home to live on her own at 16 though she stayed in school and graduated, and arrived in America at 19. Larime was born in Lake Havasu City, Arizona, home of the original London Bridge and claims that living in a desert city with a world famous bridge in it led to his fascination with unusual and contradictory pairings. He grew up playing piano and keyboards since age 10 and listened to old-school rap, punk and early techno music. In highschool he discovered The Cure and began his love of atmospheric music that painted pictures with sound. Several years of College and work in the computer industry helped him to decide he had no patience for further schooling, changing Majors 3 times in two years, and no interest in mundane, 9 to 5 work. He resumed making music in '96, this time with purpose and drive. Meeting over the internet in 1996, Danielle moved to Flagstaff, Arizona, to visit Larime and ended up staying. They married a year and a day later and began making music together as Incarnadine. Several moves, many health and financial problems and a near-death experience for Danielle landed the two in San Jacinto, California, with family, broke and without any music equipment. A generous donation from Roland Co. USA put them back on track, and A Dream Of A Thousand Cats was born. After struggling with inadequate recording equipment, family came to the rescue and helped Danielle and Larime establish a pro-quality home recording studio. With new gear came a new sound, and since the edgier, heavier sound no longer fit the name, ADOATC was put to rest and Dangerous Beauty began recording its first album, 'The Secret of the Machines'.
    San Jacinto, CA - USA

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