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    Artist description
    Drawing from the aggressive power pop of the Foo Fighters and the moody atmospheric rock of Radiohead, Vibrotica has been compared to the Beatles and David Bowie for their melodic strength and sonic experimentation. The Boston based quartet—composed of Craig Rawding (vocals/guitar), Joe Wilson (bass), Ivo Matos (guitar/keyboard), and John Perkins (drums) – debuted in early 2000. With the ambitious release of Neverbend later that year, Vibrotica fiercely re-formulated and legitimized progressive alternative rock. Their sophomoric effort, Counting Spies released in 2002, further orchestrated their signature sound and technical proficiency. Both CD's garnished praise in the Boston press (Northeast Performer, Soundcheck Magazine, The Noise,The Phoenix) and received local airplay on modern rock stations, including WBCN and WAAF. Vibrotica's live shows have earned them accolades with audiences in the northeast region. Most recently, Vibrotica entered the studio with producer Jim Sampas, (Ben Harper, Aimee Mann, Los Lobos, Morphine, Michael Stipe, Eddie Vedder, Kate Pierson). The collaboration found the foursome exploring more melodic freeways of harmony and texture without compromising their ability to be both atmospheric and edgy.
    Music Style
    modern rock
    Musical Influences
    Similar Artists
    foo fighters, jeff buckley, radiohead, soundgarden, etc.
    Group Members
    joe wilson - bass/vocals, craig rawding - vocals/guitars, john perkins - drums, ivo matos - guitars/keyboards
    neverbend EP / counting spies LP
    Press Reviews
    “Vibrotica's music seethes with originality, and the band cuts rock and roll traditions with pioneering fury.” …Metrenome Magazine “While comfortably within the modern-rock style, the tunes are smart enough to appeal to an audience interested in more than the latest rap-rock diatribe. There's depth to plumb in each song and different moods to explore as you move from song to song.” …J. McClellen from the Worcester Telegram and Gazette, on the Neverbend EP. “Vibrotica is definitely a band to watch out for, and I believe with continued songwriting like this they will be successful in whatever they want to achieve musically.” …Boston Soundcheck Magazine on the Neverbend EP “I completely fall in love with a band when they aren't afraid to take chances. At times Vibrotica is one of those bands. They aren't offensive or bland, stale, hard rock. Vocally, Craig Rawding resembles some strange cross of Danzig and Jeff Buckley.” …The Noise Magazine on the Counting Spies LP
    hanson, ma - USA

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