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    Artist description
    Im a rocker who writes music with passion/emotion/ and melody.Im seeking a label/management/publishing/film music placement etc..
    Music Style
    R O C K tasty!!!!
    Musical Influences
    Similar Artists
    Bowie/Manson/Type O sorta- im FLESH listen 2 me.
    Artist History
    Ive played many top venues throughout NY/NJ/CONN/PENN. I have a song featured on Mercenary records NYC. Ive opened for many major artists as well as headlined. Ive been written about in BILLBOARD as well as featured on CINDY MARGOLIS.COM /ESPNs the life show/PENTHOUSE.COM etc. Ive recorded at the HOUSE of MUSIC as well as the POWER STATION and CHALET. Two top LA PRODUCERS have givin me some great reviews. I can go on and on bottom line is WHOS GOT AN EAR 4 TALENT? $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
    Group Members
    email me for promo ...
    Press Reviews
    F L E S H G O R D O N-REVIEWS--THREE5ENTERTAINMENT-music reviewFlesh Gordon... Very seductive and Gothic. I like the way he is straight to the point with his message. Almost makes me want to feel her flesh too! Love the guitar!! COLORFUL MUSIC:review Flesh Gordon-"Sandy" this is a nicely produced goth- love song. it has a nice groove that immediately sucks you in. The vocalist is right on the money with his david bowie like growl. The phaser effect on the guitar is a nice touch, the lead is in your face with a full force attack. all in all a great song it sounds like something that would make it on a movie soundtrack. sandy must be some girl! Welcome to Krosstown Promotions- UK .... Krosstown Promotions United Kingdom Want to reuse this article? © 2001 Tag It. Art Gordon - Sandy By: Ben Ohmart (Assistant Editor) 2001-08-07 Artist: Art Gordon/FLESH GORDON Title: Sandy Genre: Rock Art's 3 song single is colored with hard rock and gothic. 'Dark Visions' speaks of storm clouds hanging low among the wild, but not uncontrollable electric guitars. Very bassy rock that fights with Art's clean voice in front of it. A little Savatage, a little Dead Can Dance, but Art continues at his own pace, not concerned with dances or constant rhythms for utter classification. Intuitive rock. 'Sandy' begins the trilogy of terror in a lazy vampire way. 'I wanna get in your skin / I wanna feel your flesh / let's go up to your room / I'll show you real love.' Whether he's baring teeth or having some teeth bared at him, it's sexy fright. Remember Fright Night? Try playing this tune over that. The last song is the most active. 'Rockit Baby' grinds several guitars for that Jimi sound, but the guitars are more for rhythm and background than show off. Still, I think I prefer 'Sandy' because of its odd appetite. Good job, Art. Got a full cd ready yet? TONS OF GREAT REVIEWS STILL SEEKING LABEL!!!! Flesh Gordon-Review BALLBUSTER MAGAZINE 2002 "S/T" (Independent) By Jonathan Mariante A band that names themselves after a classic porn flick has to be cool! This New Jersey trio, led by singer/guitarist Art Gordon, describe themselves as "A hard rockin', deep groovin', helluva band." This is a good description of them. They play straight ahead, riff oriented rock and roll, that is raw, stripped down, and detuned, with some haunting song lyrics. Their influences range from Black Sabbath to Motley Crue to the Sex Pistols and the Dead Boys, with a touch of Goth here and there. The songs rock out, but also have a dark, somber feel to them. My favorite song on this six-track disc was the closer, "Rockit Baby." This one really rocks! A jammin' tune! They saved the best for last! Other songs I liked were "Sandy", an erotic, dark, suggestive little tune that would be great for a stripper to dance to, and "Eternal Life," a Sabbath-inspired ballad. These guys are a cool, rockin' band with a style of their own. Given the right breaks, Flesh Gordon could blast off into the universe of rock stardom. They certainly have potential. If you're in the mood for a little fun, take a ride in Gordon's rock and roll spaceship! Go on, check 'em out! ELECTRIC BASEMENT/USA Flesh Gordon, not just a porno movie, but a band too! But not the psycho shock outfit some might expect. What we get is an exploratory trio, combining elements of the 70s, 80s and 90s. Yet the band is surprisingly economical, plodding along for maximum effect, breaking out only when absolutely necessary. The song "Sandy" grabs you taking Bowie-esque vocals and atmospheric chug and milk it for all its worth. This disaffected hard rocker approach works well enough to give the band their own sound, which is rare this days. The vocals wake up noticeable with "Dark Vision", which recalls NWOBHM and oddly enough, early Twisted Sister. Basically melodic combat accompanied by spacey effects. "Rockit Baby" is the final and most invigorated surge of the set. A thrusting, keyboard laden groove proves a total blast. The guitars have that Cooper "Cold Ethyl" evil funk. Very cool. It'll be interesting to see what the band does in the future, with a full production budget and 10 tracks to play around with.9/10 rating...
    Additional Info
    Rock City, New Jersey - USA

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