OL' VW (Vaughn Walters) Artist Info Home
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OL' VW (Vaughn Walters)

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    Artist description
    OL' VW will shake yer funnybone as well as your other bone. Will you marry me? Circle Yes or No.
    Music Style
    One dude with a guitar.
    Musical Influences
    Cannibal Corpse, Michael W. Smith, Surf Punks, Weird Al, Beach Boys, Ween, Velvet Underground, Nirvana, Dead Milkmen, NOFX, and Hank Williams S.R.
    Similar Artists
    Dead Milkmen, Velvet Underground, Wesley Willis, Hank Williams, Cannibal Corpse, Tenacious D., Weezer, Monks of Doom, Surf Punks, NOFX, Ween, Nirvana, Amy Grant, Anal Cunt, Weird Al, One for Milwaukee
    Artist History
    I remember Vaughn. Always sat in the back with this really funny grin on his face. "Smokes weed," the other kids would whisper. Keep in mind, this was 3rd grade. People just didn't smoke the marijuana in 3rd grade. Least not where I'm from. Sometimes he'd be sitting there and he'd start letting out this low moan. Kind of like a chant intertwined with a prepubescent orgasm. Turns out that's just what it was. Who knew. I didn't. Not back then. Not when I was too concerned with remembering all of the U.S. capitals. What was Vaughn concerned with? Not shitting his pants. I'd put my hand on the good book over that one. One day ol' Ella Humphreys walked right on up to Vaughn and gave him a piece of her mind. Vaughn just looked at her. Bit of drool slid down the outside of his lips. Calmly, slowly, Vaughn reached up, wiped off that spittle with the side of his brown leather bomber jacket, looked Ella square in the eye and gave her a Jack-Knife Powerbomb right there on the playground. Ella's funeral was a week later. That's right about when Vaughn started playing the music. Awful music. The kind you turn down when your parents walk in the room. Our sleepy little town had never heard anything like it. We didn't want to hear it either. Sure as can be, we set about getting rid of that boy as fast as we could. But a shallow grave just wasn't enough to stop Vaughn. And nothing on the face of God's green earth can stop that music of his. Lord help us all. Amen. - Jasper Loughrie II
    Group Members
    huh huh. member.
    Piano, Guitars, Bass Drum, Bongos
    Vaughn Walters is...
    Press Reviews
    But that there "Fuck You, Man" -- That's a quality tune. - Carl Wallace
    Additional Info
    Ben Baughman: Can cruncher; Ho-Gland: Spoken Vox; Dillnose: rimjobs
    Rowlesburg, WV - USA

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