Artist description
Three band members rock in a droning, otherworldly way unlike anyone else we know (truly) |
Music Style
ecclectic, very (world music meets acid jazz & skiffle) |
Musical Influences
American blues- bluegrass- folk- roots, World music, African drums, psychedelia, electronic sound collage |
Similar Artists
Have been likened to the far out instrumental bits Led Zeppelin used to wander into |
Artist History
Monkey Shine hails from Portland, Maine where they began as a quickly thrown together unit called Imp Stew which opened for Tammy Schatz & her band Rude Toys (see www.rudetoys.com) at a gig at Geno's, on Jan. 12, 2002. Jody & Tammy (see www.mp3.com/TammyLynn) had been friends for some time when she invited him to pull together a group to open that gig. Jody had been part of a Porland based band called Lost In Boston (see www.mp3.com/LostInBoston) in the 1980s and Tammy enjoyed the vibe on old LIB recordings, but never saw him perform live. Thus the invitation. The gig was fun (we survived). The Meyer brothers, Matt & Nathaniel, had a life-long raport which Jody was able to embellish upon and Monkey Shine was hatched. Matt & Nathaniel Meyer and Jody Dube are all high school Art teachers and serious visual artists as well as musicians. (see www.meyerstudiogallery.com) |
Group Members
Matt Meyer: vocals, guitars, bass, banjo, harmonica, mandolin
Nathaniel Meyer: harmonica, washboard, djembe & congas, occasional vocal & guitar
Jody Dube: bass, guitar, djembe & occasional vocal |
many/varied |
Portland, Maine - USA |
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