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    Artist description
    Three Piece melody-blending Punk Rock
    Music Style
    Various styles of Punk rock
    Musical Influences
    Rock, Punk, SKA, Emo, Hardcore, Death Metal, Pop, Oldies, Classic Rock, Classical, Musicals, the list goes on and on...
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    Artist History
    Where do we start....? Jun (bass) and I (Joe: guitar/vox) met at work in early 2001. We both had a lot of common interest in music and decided to see what styles we can come up with playing songs we know. We started to mess around and make original songs really quick considering we had a lot of the same ideas. I also had a couple songs I've been working on before. Jun had a friend who played drums. Soon enough we all started working on original songs. Our former drummer at the time unfortunately was still learning to play. After several practice sessions, Jun and I decided to look for another drummer. I put out a wanted ad for "seeking drummer for punk band" in our local flyer and it was going to take at least a week before our ad was going to be posted. During that same week I met another guy at work who listened to the same bands that I did (Finch, Saves the Day, Midtown, and Dashboard Confessional). It's hard to find other people who listen to the same stuff we listen to. I told him we were looking for a drummer and coincidently he said he played drums. At that time, Jun and I were urgently looking for a drummer, so we thought, what the hell. We included him into our little amateur band. We practiced for a while with him but the style he played was not what we were looking for. My ad was finally posted and immediately I received an email from this guy named Andy (drummer). Unfortunately, at that time, we (somewhat) had a drummer. I emailed Andy and said we already had a drummer. We played a few more times with our former drummer, but still weren't happy. We then had a plan. We recorded 3 songs we worked on on Jun's little 4-track tape recorder. We were going to give the tracks to our former drummer and to Andy and from there, decide who fits our style better. We met Andy and gave him the tracks. A few days later we jammed out with Andy and our original songs. Jun and I were blown away and from that moment on, we knew Andy was the right person. As Andy puts it, "we all mesh together nicely" (music wise of course). Andy joined in early February 2002 and from then on Andy, Jun, and I are still creating new music and there is so much more ahead.
    Group Members
    Guitar/Vocals: Joe Soriano Bass: Jun Nezu Drums: Andy Puttonen
    1 bass, 1 guitar, drums, and vox
    Incomplete e.p.
    Additional Info
    Email:, (English) and (Japanese)
    Fussa, Tokyo, Japan - Japan

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