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    Artist description
    The funk is truly an unutterable abstraction, seen when the complex interactions between people, beats, melodies and instruments merge to form something greater than the sum of its respective parts. The philosophy thereof, then, is an a-rhythmic representation of this phenomenon, something that by nature can only be partially transposed from musical notation to everyday phonetic reality. Having said this, we will attempt to the best of our ability to describe for you (whoever you are) our conception of the philosophy that will guide us along the path of musical self-knowledge and understanding. Our story begins with darkness, as yours does. We were in the belly of a dark auditorium, fascinated by our own flickering shadows made by the stage-lights illuminating the curtain behind us, when suddenly the possibility that there might be something more musical in ourselves than a shadow lead us to question our surroundings. In doing so, we realized that we had been in a state of slavery, that we were bound to the tiny world around us. This knowledge alone set us free, and a darkly lit passageway marked the possibility of a larger, truer world outside and above us. Thus we have begun a musical odyssey. We are not the first, the last, or the only to have done so. But this is our voyage, and thus it is unique. On our mothership, the beat is Dave Machinist, the bass is Stephen Sternschein, the funky guitar is Mike Machinist, and the Master of Keys is Ian Hartsough. The rhymes are the work of Dan McCabe, and the sweet soul-sound that touches us all is Alison Desir. Our music comes from a combination of youthful optimism, heavy thought, the tutelage of Robert (n.a.k.a Bob) Debellis, Richard Peare, Jim Musto, Kevin Norton, Alan Farnham, and way, way too much free time.
    Group Members
    Alison Desir - Vocals Dave Machinist (AKA DJ Machine) - Drums, Turntables Mike Machinist - Guitar Steve Sternshein - Bass Ian Hartsough - Keyboards, Flute, Saxophone *Andrew Lappin - Guitar (not present on current recordings) **Dan McCabe - Lyricist (no longer with group)
    Drums, Bass, Guitar, Keys, Lyricism, Vocals
    New York City, New York - USA

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