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Echolalia (Chicago)

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    Artist description
    The Echolalia debut, Solid State Alone, is a collection of musical work created by Brian Burkhard. Using environmental sounds, cheapo Casio keyboards, radio, a tennis match, yoga tapes, obscure educational albums along with real life instruments, Echolalia cooks up fresh and organic sounding electronic music. Not relying on any set formula, Solid State Alone is a batch of off kilter grooves and sound compositions that defy categorization. Using breakbeats to droning organs and everything in between, it's an anything goes approach to making intelligent chill out music.
    Music Style
    Electronica, trip-hop, down tempo, experimental, kraut rock
    Musical Influences
    Stereolab, Air, Eno, Morcheeba, Fondly
    Similar Artists
    Stereolab, Air, Eno, Morcheeba, Fondly
    Artist History
    After Brian Burkhard failed at folk guitar lessons at the age of 13, he vowed never to properly learn an instrument. From that point on, he has focused on being self-taught and self-righteous. In 1994, Brian formed Fondly and recorded a self-produced CD (s/t, Bent Records) in an abandoned cellar of a pork factory. In 1997, Fondly put out another CD, (“F is for . . .”, Mercury/Scratchie) Now as Echolalia, he has returned to his indie roots and is making music in the confines of his basement studio. Taking off on the experimental side of Fondly, Brian continues to explore improvisational excursions of sound collage.
    Group Members
    One, Infectious B, Cappy, Spin Art, Sensitive Beetle in the Hall under Art
    Roland, Moog and Casio keyboards, Fender guitars and bass, life-like drums, loopdi loops, killer abs
    Solid State Alone
    Press Reviews
    Review from A&Fitch Lifestyles: "Echolalia is a project that the MOWAX label should take a close look at. Creating super organic based music using unconventional loops and a keyboard, "Solid State Alone" is just that - a solid CD of cool, funky, and original loop music that would sit nice next to DJ shadow." Review from Murky jangles and accorian-like thrums arise from Discorvo to be injected with pulsing bassnotes and a lightly-rocking rhythm. Computermusic-origins seem to be evident in the clip-clopping e-percussion of Illbledon, topped with piano tones and a host of quietly odd squawling effects; and a gain in bloopy/bouncy/scruffy Korgovski. Just the right amount of cheesiness exists in the plinky tones and faux strings of thump-driven Pasha. Softly swampy My 3 Froggs (5:23) dives into an aquatic stew from which speckly percussion and warped notes bubble up, along with random thuds. A few ministerially-spoken samples are deeply imbedded into the blurting rivulets of Reverend Static. Dreamily surreal folkpop is blurred and rippled through Lazy I. The disc closes with the piano-notes-and-spoken-word atmospheres of Iono (2:17), laced with drizzling rainfall and warbling radiowaves. A dozen seriously playful tracks equal 42+ minutes of Solid State Alone; Brian Burkhard and friends provide plenty of interesting oddities as Echolalia pieces together intelligent sonic collages with just enough groove. A B+with the "+" for inventiveness and grit."
    Additional Info
    Special sale price $9.99 at
    Chicago, IL - USA

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