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    Artist description
    With a mix of accoustic and electric guitars we have a very melodic sound with not being heavy but still delivering a powerfull meaning in our songs.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    the beatles, augie march, led zepplin,
    Similar Artists
    the verve, travis.
    Artist History
    Joined at the end of 2000 when we finished final higher education. After a year of jaming we finally started looking for gigs. We now have recorded our first EP. We won the 2002 YOUTH WEEK COMPETITION which allows us now to record our 2nd EP at the end of the year in Melbourne. We have been featured on two compilation CD's where people have heard our songs and given us positve feedback. Our EP has been reviewed twice on the OZ Music Project and at All has been positive feedback and we are said to be a promising band. All upinarms want to do is play music for as long as we live. There is no other occupation we want other than to be musicians. We would love to get signed and have musical freedom and thats why we put every effort in ourselves to make that happen rather than rely on people to do it for us at the moment.
    Group Members
    Daryl Aitkenhead (Vox/Accoustic Guitar) Dallas Gale (Lead Guitar) Liam Brewer (Drums) Nathan Keatch (Bass)
    Accoustic Guitar, Vocals, Electric Guitar, Drums, Bass
    Bring Us Down E.P
    Press Reviews
    Bringusdown is a fantastic little EP from Bendigo four-piece Upinarms. Recorded in the heart of Bendigo at Soul Studios, the three sweet tunes on this disk can take you on a trip touring the range of your emotions. The opening track Bring Us Down begins with a single lonely guitar, which is slowly joined by the rest of the band, evolving into a simple but captivating melody. Track two, titled Shines, is a jem. The song takes you from a steady intro and verse then uplifts you during the chorus, and I bet its a pearler live. Scarlet Fever closes the EP and like the previous tracks is a journey across the soul. Again it builds from sparse beginnings, then throws you back into the depths of delay washed guitar to wipe the smile off your face. Then its over, forcing you to reach for the play button again to have another listen. its that kind of CD, one quick listen is just not enough. The refreshing thing about this recording is in its maturity. The songs are well constructed, and complex without going over the top. The lack of fake American accents is a nice change as well, and as much as I hate to say it, is the lack of cranked up distorted guitars set to 11. Its nice to be presented with something you can get a message or feeling from without being bludgeoned over the head in the process. All in all a great little CD, see the band live if you get a chance.
    Bendigo, Vic - Australia

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