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    Artist description
    It's night, late summer. You're in a mining town in the heart of the Canadian Shield. The wide northern sky is cloudless although thunder in the distance warns of a storm coming in from the west. The scattered trees and browning mosses look like they could use the rain but you're more interested in what the water might do to your already-failing plasma drive. The journey from Rigel was longer than you expected and you still have far to go. You're thirsty. Deciding against visiting the bar across the street, you activate your ship's cloaking device and head for the fridge. You hear music. It reminds you of something. It's moody, distant. As the Northern Lights shimmer high above, you swear you can almost hear them. You can't. It's the band in the bar. That's not the heavens singing to you stranger, that there's The Magnetars.
    Music Style
    Instrumental space-country rock
    Musical Influences
    The Canadian Shield, Popular Mechanics, driving at night, cosmic rays
    Similar Artists
    Crazy Horse, My Bloody Valentine, John Fahey, godspeed, Sonic Youth, The Ventures
    Group Members
    Sara Montgomery (guitar), Sally Lee (bass), Dave Gee (drums), Jonny Dovercourt (guitar).
    Press Reviews
    Lucky for the Magnetars (yet another project of Wavelength organizer Jonathan Bunce -- does that guy ever sleep?) that their brand of rich, guitar-charged indie pop nixes words altogether in favour of wistful instrumentals. It seems to be pieced together out of the best hooks from the coolest 90s-nostalgic pop tunes trapped in any self-respecting indie kid's subconscious. What's impressive about the band is their ability to tweak emotions through well-crafted song structures without lapsing into boring art-rock wankery. -- Sarah Liss, Now magazine (live review, May 1, 2003)
    Toronto, Ontario - Canada

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