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    Artist History
    ABOUT " RAY CORNELIUS " With more history than future, RAY CORNELIUS is a songwriter who writes songs from a different perspective. A Veteran of the U.S. AIR FORCE and life, RAY has a deep love for GOD, FAMILY and COUNTRY and is very concerned about all that is happening in AMERICA today. His feelings and concerns are expressed in his new C.D. entitled " WIDE AWAKE ". Tho RAY spent 16 years in Nashville, he never desired to be a "Artist" or "STAR" and has never considered himself to be a great singer. " WIDE AWAKE " came about after much soul searching and the prodding of many friends and members of the public who heard RAY sing his songs while sitting in his CEDAR SWING. RAY'S real love is Country and Southern Gospel Music and his only reason for entering the "country music scene" is to encourage others who believe there needs to be a change in AMERICA. "STRUGGLIN' FOR SURVIVAL " and " HOMETOWN USA " were writtten in 1986 and 1994 respectively. The other 10 songs were written immediately after the tragedy of 9-11. Tho recorded and released by several unknown artist, in 1995 and 1996, "HOMETOWN USA " was said to be to controversial by many of our well known artist. Maybe the timing wasn't right but RAY believes once you hear the song you will agree HOMETOWN USA ain't what it used to be RAY CORNELIUS is a common hard working man who has had a lot of success and many failures and can relate to the many that are struggling just to make ends meet. Tho brought about by tragedy and sorrow, RAY believes the songs on " WIDE AWAKE " are inspiring and regardless of your walk in life or musical preference Ray believes anyone can relate to them because they are filled with emotion and come from the heart.
    Wide Awake, Gospel Album Coming Soon
    Panama City, FL - USA

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