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Mezcal Al & The Clam

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    Artist description
    Mezcal Al & The Clam Tostada hail from Tucson Arizona. Their songwriting incorporates imagery of the Sonoran Desert and cultures/customs within and around Tucson. Lyrically the songs are founded in the aforementioned imagery as well as tongue-in-cheek humor. Guitarist Gerry Cook adds on layers of texture with what he likes to call a "minimalist technique," while Mark Ryan's melodic basslines not only anchor the songs but also give them color. Vocalist and rhythm guitarist Mark Febbo sings with plaintive deep, near baritone, vocals.
    Music Style
    Americana, insurgent country, folk rock
    Musical Influences
    Bob Dylan, Sam Bush, Barenaked Ladies, U2, Steve Earle, Jimmy Buffett, Lyle Lovette, The Greatful Dead, The Refreshments, Lucinda Williams, Joe Ely, Townes Van Zandt, The Flatlanders, Terry Allen, Johnny Cash, Willie Nelson, The Peacemakers
    Similar Artists
    Creosote, Topless Opry, Townes Van Zandt, Wilco, Willie Nelson, Mike Scott & the Waterboys, Wayne Hancock, Lyle Lovett, The Stone Ponies, Ryan Adams, Andy Hersey, Elvis Costello, Roger Clyne
    Artist History
    Singer/guitarist Mark Febbo met guitarist Gerry Cook almost six years ago prior to learning guitar. Gerry provided impetus for Mark to learn and Mark learned pretty much all the basics through Gerry. It was a symbiotic relationship from the beginning, as Gerry had not picked up his guitar for fifteen years or so prior to Mark acquiring his first acoustic and asking Gerry for help. Since then both Gerry and Mark have made a hobby out of songwriting and guitar, often collaborating. Mark Febbo met Mark Ryan (bassist) in the late Summer of 2001 when Mr. Ryan moved in next door to him. One morning while partaking of his routine breakfast consisting of a filterless red pack Marlboro and a cup of black coffee, Mr. Ryan caught the sweet smell of what might have passed for decent contraban wafting into his nostrils from the yard next to his. From this point forward Ryan and Febbo became good friends and eventually got around to finding out that they shared a mutual interest in "other stuff" like drinking beer and guitar playing. Having played bass for such bands as Famly, Hollis Brown, and Bitter Griffins in the city of Buffalo, New York, Ryan proposed that a band be formed. Thus Mezcal Al & The Clam Tostada was spawned from the creative collaborative efforts of these three residents of Tucson, Arizona. On three of the recordings posted here on, the The Clam Tostada enlisted the aid of Tucson mandolin favorite, Donny Russell.
    Group Members
    Mark Ryan - Bass Gerry Cook - Guitar Mark Febbo - Guitar, Slide Guitar, Harmonica, Vocals
    Guitar, Bass, Harmonica, Mandolin
    Tucson, AZ - USA

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