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    Artist description
    The Falling Nine frontman steps away from his usual day job to showcase his solo material. Away from the rock sound of his band, this side project features David in an acoustic affair, pouring his soul onto the page for all to hear
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Fleetwood Mac, Dream Theater, Tool, Brian Wilson
    Similar Artists
    Fleetwood Mac
    Artist History
    Although music had been a part of his life from the moment he was born, it wasn't until his 15th birthday that he realised it was something he could do for a living. Born in Cardiff, Wales on February 8th 1983 David Lydiard was raised on all kinds of music from his mothers record collection, The Beatles, The Eagles, 10CC, classic 60's pop and soul and trashy 80's New Romantic pop. It was this diversity that would set him up for life. During his school life he suffered from depression, he considered himself an outsider and felt isolated from the norm. During this period he was writing heartbreaking lyrics to pop melodies, they consisted of lost love, loneliness and even suicide. He says the reason for his depression was lack of direction. "I had no girlfriend, I felt that I had no real friends, didn't know what I wanted to do with myself, just felt completely alone until one magical night" That night was February 9th 1998, 1 day after his 15th birthday. Fleetwood Mac had received a Lifetime Achievement Award at the Brits and, after witnessing their performance, David was reformed. "I felt I had a purpose in life at that point, I wanted to make music....Fleetwood Mac are a huge influence in my life" Despite writing lyrics since he was 13 being a rock star never crossed his mind until now. He formed the band Blackflower in which he played bass with friends Sam Brokenshaw(guitars), Chris O'Connell(drums) and Kathryn Petersen(vocals) The band lasted a year before David left due to creative differences. Over the next few years he would learn guitar and hone his songwriting skills turning those heartbreaking lyrics into dark, self destructive lyrics and replacing the pop melodies with a more rockier approach. Influenced by such diverse bands as Fleetwood Mac, Dream Theater, Tool and Mad at Gravity he would struggle to find bandmates who wanted to commit to his vision of melodic rock. However he has now gone on to form Falling Nine with Blackflower bandmate Chris O'Connell, vocalist Nicola Tanetta and guitarist Anna Williams and his visions of Fleetwood Mac-esque rock have become closer than he imagined. 2003 has also seen David begin work on solo material which features a few experimental tracks and serves the purpose of being an outlet for his creativity with material not suited for Falling Nine.
    Group Members
    David Lydiard - Guitars/Vocals
    D.S. Lydiard - Guitars/vocals
    Cardiff, Wales - United Kingdom

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