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Green Formica

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    Artist description
    like satanists at the cotton candy booth of the state fair
    Music Style
    Neoteric punk-wave
    Similar Artists
    sonic youth/television/built to spill/etc.
    Group Members
    John-Guitar Ryan-Guitar Nathan-Bass Salena-Drums
    Press Reviews
    From Green Formica Table "Buses and Planes" CD Here's another band that The Socials shared a bill with in Lexington, Kentucky that knocked me out. Green Formica Table, which is a reference to Twin Peaks or something like that, is a dual guitar trio with male and female vocals. There's five songs on this CD-R that fall somewhere in the new sound of riotgrrl punk and the.... Yeah, I'm going to say it, but later. The songs are mid-tempo...not slow, not fast. Just the right speed to make things interesting. Green Formica Table grabs you and pulls you along. Some really good songwriting.... Yeah, I'm going to say it, but later.... The recording is dreamy. Fast moving clouds over a black and white city scape... Delay pedals. Wah-Wahs.... Green Formica Table do some pretty Lewis & Clark type shit on this CD-R and live, they are vicious snow-tigers. Yeah, I'm going to say it, but later... You see, in Lexington, Kentucky, Life is somewhat like ancient Egypt. Except with Banks..... Downtown Lexington, which has been dubbed weird town by more than just The Socials, is small with the biggest buildings being those with bank logos. The banks rise in scale, from smaller to bigger, like the pyramids. Each bank (pharaoh) wanted to out do the next with an even bigger building. Not only are there three really big bank buildings but scores of 4, 5 and 6 story buildings nearby. Green Formica Table is the soundtrack for instances like this.Yeah, I'm going to say it, but later... If you like Jane Speed and much of the post riot grrl punk movement then I would definitely consider checking this band out. I mean, FUCK! Bratmobile and Bikini Kill were good, but I'm getting more into this whole new thing with bands like Jane Speed and Green Formica Table...Yeah, I'm going to say it, but later... Ah, what the hell.... Neoteric punk/wave! (SAB)
    Louisville, Kentucky - USA

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