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    Artist History
    Well to start off my name is Bill Lennox otherwise known as Digital Bill I am a 24 year old born and raised Clevelander who has been in the music business for 8 years. Originally I started out in the metal scene and then graduated to the Hardcore scene. I have been playing guitar and composing songs since I was 16. My roots were planted a long time ago by my dad, who also plays guitar in a band. They play out every weekend and are usually booked 6 months in advance. Finally after going through several bands and having it end every time the same way, I learned that the band thing was just not for me. I began to do Live PA(Performing Techno music live) and got bookings immediately. This was fine for several months but then I encountered my sample disc being erased. I had a booking coming up soon, and was not sure what to do. My friend Ernie who has been a well established DJ in the Cleveland scene for quite sometime, decided that it was time for me to learn how to spin records. He worked with me very closely for a week and assured me that I was a natural. I performed the show to the best of my ability, and from this show I received several bookings. I have also spun at countless house parties and special events including: The Spring Dance Music Fest, Solid Gold New Years Eve Party 2000,Dj Survivor,GSpot 3 ,and Metadream just to name a few, I also competed in a dj contest called Judgment Night which was a Dj contest of Cleveland's top djs who were hand picked by some of the top promoters in the Cleveland area. Where not only did I compete but I also won and received a co-headlining spot with Bad Boy Bill. I was now a full on DJ and began producing music in my home studio and burning it to cds. I have been spinning a year and a half now and have accelerated passed most DJ's that are currently working in Cleveland. I am now in search of finding a record label to start producing my records. I currently have several top djs using my tracks in their sets. Currently I am not only working on producing my white labels but you can be on the look out for my new line of clothing which will kickoff on August20th, and be sure on October 31st to get your copy of my latest cd which will contain all Digital Bill original tracks. I would also just like to take the time to say thanks to all those who have helped and supported me along the way and I would like to especially thank my beautiful girlfriend Brooke(Inspiration) and my Manager Ace (Adam).
    Group Members
    Contact Digital Bill -Cell 440-342-0319 Contact Adam(Nightowl productions) -Office 216-687-0620 -Office 440-341-2972 mailing address-1250 Riverbed #311 Cleveland Ohio 44113
    Year Of The Machine
    Cleveland, Ohio - USA

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