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    Artist description
    What is the Distant Society? It’s a group of people brought together with the goal of distancing themselves from a society in which dreams are portrayed as being unattainable. They believe that the journey in pursuing a dream brings meaning to one’s life. The band was formed in the summer of 2001 when [MoJoE] attended a local concert and was very impressed by the quality of music. In search of musicians to start a new band, he went backstage to find someone with the same vision as his. To his surprise, the bass player and the drummer were his neighbours. Unaware of each other’s musical talent, [MoJoE], Serge and Wever began talking and eventually started practicing together. Within a week of getting together, they had an audition to play at The Ex in Ottawa, an event that brings in more than 55,000 people a day. A talent agent from the contest came out to see DS play, and after just one song they were signed to perform. Within months, DS accomplished a lot. Coming in 1st at X-FM’s Battle of the Bands in Rockland and 2nd at a BOTB in Vankleek Hill helped kick off their devoted fan base. After playing several shows a buzz was created. Their mix of touching lyrics and hook-driven melodies seemed to connect with a lot of people. DS was much in demand for concerts, parties, talent shows and even graduations. Though they had been receiving a great response everywhere they went, the guys felt that something was missing. They decided to look for a second guitarist/back up vocalist to strengthen their live show and achieve a fuller sound. DS turned to a fan that had been at every concert since the beginning. Prud’homme would come backstage after every show and let them know that he was their biggest fan and if ever they needed a guitarist or singer he was their number one man. That dedication put him above everyone else to become the final element added to the [Distant Society]. With tons of shows coming up, a couple thousand fans on their mailing list, a Demo CD thats flying off the shelves, a website (, merchandise in the making and a passion for creating and performing inspiring music, there seems to be no limit to what the [Distant Society] can achieve.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Staind, Incubus, Nirvana, Finger 11
    Similar Artists
    Silverchair, Staind, Puddle Of Mudd
    Russell, Ontario - Canada

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