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    Artist description
    Organic, folk rock sounds come together to form a quality unlike anything in radio today. "Apples Falling" delivers a sad-sack vocal and cool, easy-going organic instrumentation that could build the band's following from the Yale coffeehouse circuit to a national radio following.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Beatles, Violent Femmes, Dylan, Nirvana, Woody Guthrie
    Similar Artists
    Early R.E.M, Oasis, Violent Femmes
    Artist History
    Troutband began as a coffeehouse band at Yale University where a substantial fan base still resides
    Group Members
    James Prosek, Vocals, Rhythm Guitar & Harmonica; Etay Ziv - Guitar; Joe Dochtermann - Guitar, Bass, Moog & Percussion; Charlie Karp - Guitar
    Lead Vocals, Guitar, Bass, Moog, Percussion, Harmonica
    "All Wet"
    Press Reviews
    Billboard Magazine review of "Apples Falling," by Radio and Singles Editor Chuck Taylor, 3/10/2000THE TROUTBAND Apples Falling (2:52); PRODUCER: Joe Dochtermann; WRITERS: J. Prosek, E. Ziv; PUBLISHER: Not listed; TROUTBAND PRODUCTIONS (album track):Sometimes, there's truly more than meets the eye with an act's name, which is certainly the case for the Connecticut-based Troutband. Lead James Prosek is one of the preeminent illustrators of the hundreds of variations of trout (who knew?), with a beautiful coffee table book and highly popular poster already established in the marketplace. But like so many, his real dream is to be a musician. Debut full-length effort, "All Wet," with partner Etay Ziv, has an organic, folky quality about it that is rooted in the coffeehouse circuit where the band originated at Yale University. But underlying that are strains of early R.E.M., Oasis, and any number of '60s ensembles, like Peter and Paul (sans Mary here). It's a curious combination of variables, but comes together to forge a sound unlike anything in contemporary radio. Standout track "Apples Falling" meanders through its esoteric lyric about recognizing, through days of the week, that a partner is losing the look of love in her eyes. It is accompanied by a sadsack vocal and cool, easy-going organic instrumentation that blends into an anthem of melancholy. "Apples" could well make the mark over the Americana airwaves, with strong follow-up cuts capable of building this act's following on a national level. This is an act that radio should definitely search out. Find these skilled artisans on
    Additional Info
    Check out James Prosek's body of work including art, non-fiction and exploration at
    New York, NY - USA

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