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    Artist description
    Oneiros is a progressive/technical metal band that combines the technicality of bands like Cynic and Meshuggah with the darker elements of Opeth and Katatonia and adds some of the minimalism of Tool and Neurosis.
    Music Style
    progressive/technical/jazz/fusion metal
    Musical Influences
    Opeth, Echosilence, Cynic, Pain of Salvation, Tool, Neurosis, Meshuggah, Katatonia, Pantera, Death
    Similar Artists
    Opeth, Echosilence, Meshuggah, Pain of Salvation, Katatonia, Pantera, Cynic, Death, Neurosis
    Artist History
    Oneiros was formed in 1999 by singer/bassist Rob Feria and guitarists Micah Martin and Ryan Denzer-King as a thrash metal band called Chaos Orb. Local metal band Zero Machine (now called Pig Hut) contacted Rob and asked if Chaos Orb would like to play with them at Gwinnet Underground. Their first show was pretty awful, with only a dozen or so hours of practice towards it, but Chaos Orb was not discouraged. When the band next played a show, this time at the Somber Reptile and also with Zero Machine, it became clear that Rob could not simultaneously fulfill vocal and bass duties. Many bassists were asked to play, including local funny man John Dixon and Third Mast bassist John Markham, but all had other commitments. During the summer of 2001 Ryan found Mark McPheeters, who was looking to join a metal band. Mark learned their songs quickly, and the band began looking for a good time to play a show. On August 8th Chaos Orb played at the Somber Reptile, leaving many people talking about the band's performance. In October Mark left Chaos Orb to form his own band Everbleeding. By December the band had convinced their mutual friend Arthur Kock to play bass for them, though he was a guitarist by nature. The following April the band finally began to record their first studio demo, and also decided that Rob needed to go. Tension had been brewing between him and the other members, and he was kicked out of the band after not showing up for the demo or one of their shows. The demo was finished in early July, and the band's name was changed to Oneiros. They are currently looking to book some shows in the Atlanta area and release their demo in hopes of getting some recognition.
    Group Members
    Micah Martin - lead guitar Ryan Denzer-King - rhythm guitar Arthur Koch - bass Jon Sak - drums
    Press Reviews
    "[Their music] isn't as bad as it used to be." -- Bob King, father of Ryan Denzer-King "Oh. They're that band with the really good guitarists and the singer that just sits there." -- Kyle from Chonic MD "A little reverb will clean that right up." -- Esteban Anastasio, producer "I don't hate your music anymore!" -- Tripp Chamberlain, actor "You guys are all good musicians separately, but you suck as a band." -- Marianne Frapwell, writer "I hate metal." -- Will Draxler, fan "Have you ever heard Coal Chamber? Well, they sound nothing like that." -- Liz Elledge, girlfriend of ex-singer Rob "We're an unlikely group of plenipotentiaries." -- Micah Martin, guitarist for Oneiros "We're like a giant wheel of cheese - kind of pointless, and we were given to a former U.S. president." -- Rob Feria, former singer "Blending hardcore metal with actual talent, Oneiros is an excellent band, worth your 3 dollars." -- Daniel Gilmore, metal fan "Entertaining craziness and confusion." -- Katie Battle, girl "Undeniably brutal and masterfully technical." -- Jason Blaine, guy who hits things
    Additional Info
    Atlanta, GA - USA

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