Artist description
I have been likend to many people in my time, Angus Deaton, Harry Dean Stanton and the French. Peter is slightly hyper active due to the vast quantities of sugary treats he shoves down his throat and Allan Cooke is the best looking man I have ever seen turn into a jibbering Booze Bear. |
Music Style
Hard House Garage Funk Rock Ballads with a classical influence and a touch of Skiffel |
Musical Influences
Stickle Bricks and Carpet Burns |
Similar Artists
Terry Wogan crossed with Rolf Harris and Drugs |
Artist History
Make one up for yourself, its bound to be more interesting than the truth. If you cant try to remember the speach at the start of the A Team and use that instead (its close enough) |
Group Members
Alan Vickers, Peter Baker and Allan Cooke all have huge members |
Guitars Keyboards and a range of household items |
Non |
Additional Info
I once sniffed up a bit of crate paper and it never came out |
St Albans, Hertfordshire - United Kingdom |
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