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    Artist description
    This is taking all the things I had been doing into possibly a much more genre orientated context form.Maybe somewhere in time where the idea or word "Industrial" got left behind.Where I hadn't added any vocal or thoughts vocally into the mix of music.I'm a PC freak so everything I do is utilizing the technology of our modern times and my external keyboards.I hate the fact that I'm a PC addict and can't seem to pry myself away from them.Maybe I love technology so much that it is often my own reflection of the emptiness I feel in the world.I'm an empty soulness machine that loves machines.I am a product.A barcode.I feel as if I'm losing my humanity and I must fight this technology to stay human.I'm always add odds with myself and my machines. I took a nice long thoughtful walk sometime after I started down this particular path and the ideas were just flowing like a melting candybar in a over zealous child ready to take on the world again with renewed vigor.
    Music Style
    Industrial - Infinite creative possiblities
    Musical Influences
    Everything audible, visual, and thought provoking
    Similar Artists
    Test Dept., Puppy, Numb, FLA, Scar Tissue, Wumpscut, Suicide Commando,Gary Numan(an old idol),etc.
    Artist History
    In 1996/97 I started messing around with PC software to create music under the GAUL name.I'm a self ex-communicated Canadian "patriot" from Nova Scotia,Canada.I love music.All different types.From Punk/hardcore to of course industrial to Enya and Celtic Music.Which also describes alot of my influences as well.In an earlier time I had messed around with inexpensive gear and tried to create a Godflesh-Y type of sound back in Nova Scotia (circa 94/95)which never got off the ground.And in those days I was still banging on things making sounds and recording them.Unfortunately I have nothing to speak of that on cassette tapes. Upon deciding to [re] invent myself this child was born out of a concept. I saw the word "conception" in a graphic while reading/looking at the inside cover of a Fear Factory cd. And then it struck me. Something I'd forgotten and found again. All the things as "GAUL"('t been working for me inside and out.It was a failed attempt.So I decided to reach back in my mind and hear old music from memory.I'll never forget the time I first heard Puppy.I was in awe.And then I heard Ministry.And then I heard Frontline Assembly.
    Group Members
    DBoudreau and the [machines]
    Trinity(my PC) utilizing various software, Yamaha An1x, Korg MS2000, Yamaha CS2x, DOD VoTec (Vocal E FeX pedal), AKG Mic, Eurorack Mixer, DVD/VHS collection for samples.
    Not available yet
    Burbank, CA - USA

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