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the Suck My Disc

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    Artist description
    We are a collective of bands (and hopefully growing); Anagram, Another Blue Door, the Electric Shoes, the Mark Inside and the Postage Stamps, Hot Carl, Poreliis Fere, Plant the Bomb, the Patients, Cabana, Jess Stien and Starlust
    Music Style
    Indie music that matters
    Musical Influences
    We have many influences
    Artist History
    In June, 2002, the idea to form a collective to promote our bands by trading shows, releasing compilations, building a following and a scene in Toronto that will become something cool... New York has a scene and so does California and Detroit. So does Edmonton, Halifax and England. But Toronto just kills all the good bands. Sorry, but all the bands that right now think they are the Stooges, or some new york trashed rock stars circa 1977, are fooling themselves. Sorry, you are not as hard core as Iggy, so why not try your own thing. Anyway, that's the sort of thing that passes for a rock and roll band in this city for the most part. But there are so many good bands and we're going to make sure that all the distros and zines all over North America and the world will know about them.
    Group Members
    Currently, we are: Anagram, an angsty angular rock and roll band with a sax player Another Blue Door, dusty and desperate country diner music for fleeing from your broken city heart the Electric Shoes, noisy disodent swelling and driving guitars around pretty pop melodies and crashing drums the Mark Inside, really cool songs, not mod or retro, and not anything contemporary, maybe the next thing... the Postage Stamps, moody, building and brooding, echoing, falling, breaking, hopeing, grasping, aching, climaxing... Cabana... Plant the Bomb... Poreliis Fere... Starlust... Jess Stien... the Patients... Hot Carl...
    Suck My Disc, One
    Press Reviews
    Album review at
    Toronto, Ontario - Canada

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