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    Artist description
    I am a songwriter producing demos for bands to use. Any band wanting to record one of my songs should contact me at first.
    Music Style
    Guitar pop/rock with an edge of just about everything else
    Musical Influences
    Petshopboys, Queen, REM, Pink Floyd, Jimi Hendrix
    Similar Artists
    No close connections to other artists
    Artist History
    Isaera began life in 1995 when a group of friends assembled a band with the purpose of assisting each other as they learned to play. They played under the name Atomic and produced a four-track demo with the songs Maybe, Odd Socks, Dunblane and The Day That We Met. The bassist, Marc played this to Russ, with whom he had been to college and was currently with at university. Russ recognised that there was some potential and joined as rhythm guitarist. He brought two songs with him, Confusion and The Door. The band renamed themselves Canto V, and took in a lad named Carl, who was to play drums. After, a few rehearsals, it was clear that Carl was not going to fit in, and he was replaced. So too, was the vocalist Lee (Marc's brother) with a young woman named Seeda. A new drummer by the name of Zoltan joined, and this incarnation became known as Isaera (Russ' idea). They played in Battle of the Bands in The Cellar Bar, Blackburn. The playlist was; Confusion, The Door, Serious, Bits and Pieces, and Premonitions. After the gig, the band split up due to the fact that the lead guitarist Stewart and the drummer were competing for the attentions of Seeda. Marc and Russ continued to play together for a while, until eventually other commitments kept them apart. Russ continued playing and began recording much of the material the band had already written. He also continued writing. He wrote lyrics for a local band Rivendell, and focused on writing rather than performing.
    Group Members
    Lee Davies - vocals Marc Davies - vocals Stewart Methven - lead guitar Carl - first drummer Zoltan - second drummer Seeda - second singer Leslie Russell Walker (Russ) - first rhythm guitar, later all.
    Guitars, keyboards
    Awakening, Besides, Eponymous
    Additional Info
    Demos vary in quality
    Chorley, Lancashire - United Kingdom

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