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    Artist description
    We would like to think of our music as a healthy and smooth fusion of intellect and emotion - or the left brain and the right brain - that appeals, not just to one particular type of audience, but to anyone with inner vision.
    Group Members
    .....GORO: The mastermind behind the compositions. He grew up playing the electric guitar, but he doesn't necessarily consider himself a guitar player these days. His focus now is on composing stimulating music. His urge to create music partially comes from his great dissatisfaction with the fast-food, no-brain music dominating the airwaves today. "Where are the real musicians and artists?" asks Goro. .....In terms of composition style, Goro likes to add calculated twists to rhythm and arrangement a lot. A steady groove locked in 4/4, accompanied by typical arrangements/orchestration, tends to bore him quickly, so he puts a lot of thoughts into diversifying these often-overlooked aspects of music. .....HACHI: The geek behind the creative processes. He likes to mess around with computers, gadgets and technology in general. He grew up loving all kinds of music, from classical to heavy metal. When his passion for the music and his never-ending curiosity for the technology accidentally crossed paths one day, he decided to recruit Goro to start an experimental musical project, now known as CODE 58. .....Hachi contributes to the project as the lead lyricist/vocalist. complements Goro’s twisted direction in creation. His “show-man attitude” and Goro’s introverted tendency creates a nice balance, and the contrast often acts as propellant in the recording process.
    Cydonia, Mars, (colony in Vincennes, IN) - USA

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