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Shannon April

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    Artist description
    I wanted to focus on the craft of performing and songwriting. I've always been a live musician, and I wanted my voice to shine through. I don't want to look back on my music the way you look back on your photos in high school, when you had poofy hair, I'll always be curious musically and want to try new things, but above all, I want the music to sound honest and good in 20 years. Music makes me happy, makes me cry; it soothes me. It did when I was younger and it does now. Music still takes me to places nothing else can. I hope Angel Of Mercy can show listeners what I’ve always believed about music – it’s powerful, it can reach into our souls, it’s important. I don’t know what I’d do without it.” It is this philosophy that makes Angel Of Mercy such a compelling opening salvo from singer-songwriter Shannon Ireland.
    Music Style
    Musical Influences
    Sheryl Crow, Amanda Marshal,
    Similar Artists
    A Sheryl Crow sound, but the most important thing to me is maintaining my authenticity.
    Artist History
    Shannon has a free sound to her voice, very clear and entertaining. "I've really tried to creat my own sound. There are a lot of different sides to me and when people hear my music, I think they'll come to know me. I didn't just come out of high school and land a record deal. I'm a songwriter and I've been working in this business since I was 12. I've worked really hard over the past decade. The most important thing is that I keep my priorities in order and remain true to myself. The rest will take care of itself. Shannon has been performing since the age of 5 in Victoria. In 2000 Shannon won the Canadian Country Music Associations Singing Competition, and recieved a contract from Nashville to record her song "Angel Of Mercy" on their annual CD entitled "New Faces". Shannon would represent all of British Columbia. She has also performed with folk singer Valdy. Shannon has performed her music for Television programs and recorded her first album in 1991 entitled "July in the Country". Currently entertaining around Vancouver Island in a group called "The Electric Classics", and working on her second album.
    Group Members
    Shannon Ireland Singer/songwriter All instruments played on album are played by Shannon
    Guitar, Piano, Bass, Tamborine, Gazzoo
    July In The Country, Give him the Right, Angel of Mercy
    Press Reviews
    Shannon is currently finishing on this album. It will be completed in the start of 2003. "If this girl hasn't started after her singing career - SHE SHOULD". Victoria Times Colonist. Victoria Times Colonist 1998 Shannon’s career is not only a testament to the power music has had upon her, but it is also a personal assertion of what goal setting and remaining true to one’s self can bring about.
    Additional Info
    Electric Classics have been performing since 1996 with extra entertainers such as the beautiful Vikki Searle, Diane Pancel, Virtual Elvis, Stephanie Greeves, Johnny Valis, Brice Morrison, Marina , Carrie Lippe, and Karen MacDonald. You can see Vikki perform around the Island. Visit her web page:
    victoria, bc - Canada

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