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The Lost

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    Artist description
    We are a group of five young musicians who like to play traditional irish/celtic music. We play reels, jigs, hornpipes and other irish dances/rhytms and also songs. The songs we play are mostly ballads and we haven't been playing much traditional drinking songs like "The irish rover", "Whiskey in the Jar" etc. Personally (Antti) I think our music sounds more like The Solas or The Chieftains than like The Pogues or The Dubliners. So we like to play it nice and gently, but fast when it comes to reels or jigs.
    Music Style
    Celtic traditional music, mostly irish
    Musical Influences
    The Chieftains, Solas, Altan and other irish traditional music artists
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    Artist History
    We created this band in late 2001. Three of us (Katarina, Katri and Antti)are musicology students from Turku University and we have been intrested in irish music for some time. However this is the first irish music band for all of us. Two other members, our lovely singers and percussionists Emily and Felicia are graduating from high school. These songs represented in here are from our first promotional record, which we recorded at my (Antti) bigbrother's bedroom (he did also all the engineering for these songs) and we have been playing in several pubs in Turku. From July to December 2002 we are having a break in our gigs, because Katarina and Katri are spending their time in Ireland and Emily in England. We are all "native" finnish except Emily who was born in England.
    Group Members
    EMILY JOHNSON: Vocals, Bodhran, Guitar FELICIA ENCKEL: Vocals, Spoons, Guitar KATARINA NORDMAN: Fiddle, Backing vocals KATRI JUSSILA: Guitar, Banjo ANTTI HYYRYLÄINEN: Whistles, Backing vocals
    Fiddle, Tin Whistle, Low Whistle, Guitar, Banjo, Bodhran, Spoons, Vocals
    Turku, Turku - Finland

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